Well our tribe we call olympus has been a thing for like 6 years now so lets settle this. Who truly is the stinkiest person on this island we call Altis? Is it ChrisGG? Mita? Maybe even Ares?
Yeah this was in no way a shot at sandman im sure he will be fine. But personally i wouldve chosen nerdy in the beginning as i think he would make an excellent chief.
Yep anything to keep their precious ghawks. Maybe they could be more careful with them instead of wipping them out everytime they cant win a fight? Because i'm a cop and sAPD stealing all our money with lethals is bad enough, then they pull a ghawk and we just get to sit in the back watching the gunners get kills :(
The profit from banks is a part of why we do it but the main thing is the easiness factor. (Aka you could make banks give 500k and we would still do them) Being able to sit on an office and spray cars is very easy to do even if you add a staircase on the side of office buildings for cops to come up. Solution? Put an office building in fed... Nah jk but honestly there is no height advantage you can get in fed, and that is the key to civs winning fights.
So i know the update just got announced in an attempt to "fix" bank since all the cops have been complaining about it being to op for civs, but i wanted to know some civilian opinions, what do you guys think about bank right now? And while your talking about that how should they make feds and BW's easier for civs so they will do them?
Yeah especially because lethals are the only thing cops ever fucking think about nowadays. Literally highersups will just tell me to go in and die 2x so they can load lethals then i dont even get money for the lethals. So it sucks for cops lower than corp and civs.
In my opinion they need to add a cop limit to how many can attend feds and BWs. So maybe like 12 can be attending a fed at once and 16 can attend BW at once. But i've been countered about this saying higherups will just make deputys and PO's leave so they can attend it. So if you wanted to follow up on that make sure its first dibs gets to attend.