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Everything posted by Monks

  1. years later of me playing this and this person is still a bafoon
  2. b56991b78341525cf49fa8cd28318aed.png5f0d3eb403e2beee99d4fcea8ee68872.png
    the result of a permanent arma 3 ban

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CaloomClark


      @ Monks  i would murder you in a scrap you chubby little fuck 

    3. CaloomClark


      Many people have seen me on this server… and i am a LOT bigger, leaner and stronger than you- i can put on a fucking carrot costume and still look better than you cunt

    4. Monks


      That’s crazy bc I don’t remember asking 

  3. Freemonks👍

    1. Monks


      Hawkg civ council nvm bro this server fell off

  4. #banalloldpeople @ Grandma Gary

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. monster
    3. 555555555


      Question, do u still paint ur nails lil bro? @ monster

    4. monster


      the fact that you continue to think that I ever painted my nails truly shows how much of your brain is missing.

  5. Let me just say a fact right now. Every single person who reads this is fucking they cousin for 1 bill. Don’t even try to deny it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cheezy


      A bil? bro id fuck every grandma in the US for $10 1 billion is a steal 

    3. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      i thought you were talknig about a 1 dollar bill like $1.00 im saying im doing it for $5.00


    4. 555555555


      I'll fuck anyone and/or anything for a billy

  6. Ok paper sucking dick would be better, but the issue is I don’t think I could force myself to do it. At least with taking it in the ass I don’t really have a choice.
  7. Settling an argument with a friend, is it gay to acknowledge another dudes attractiveness?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AmericanWaffle


      Not at all. Men are hot and I understand why you would find another man attractive.

    3. Mike Lit
    4. hawk


      @ Rafa  Youre still cuter tho

  8. Since ppl been askin what I look like now I figured I’d share a bit, I’m not necessarily “skinny” yet but I’m down from 245 to about 215 in about 5 months. Don’t have any decent visually pictures of when I used to stream or anything so I just took one from an old stream clip lol. Also can’t imbed bc L forum but first pic is the old one and the last 3 are from the last few weeks https://imgur.com/a/U9Xa3kx Also for anybody who cares about prs and stuff my max bench is 190 max squat 320 and max deadlift 295
  9. @ Hurricane big man to big man, o7 bruv 

  10. If Celtics win the finals I’m advocating for slavery to be brought back

  11.  This how y’all mfs look rn 45a.jpg

    1. NokiaStrong


      fr just turn on a light, you don't have to be playing in complete darkness

    2. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      yes i do i havent got out of my chair in 6 months if i go outside for more then 2 minutes i get first degree burns from the sun. The most light i can handle is the light from my 6 monitors.

  12. Heat in 4!!! wait4aaf11a99bb496162164733c6f2bf151.png

    1. Legendary


      guess I’m crazy thinking Boston could beat the warriors

    2. Monks


      Idk bout dat chief. I think they might go to like game 6 but warriors probably gonna get dat ring 🤷‍♂️

  13. Mark my words warriors are beating mavericks 4-2

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Heat in 6, Warriors in 5

    3. Legendary


      celtics over warriors in 6

    4. Monks


      Celtics over warriors? Your smoking

  14. 35dc8cb752cc14e564bafb0beb3fb459.png
    BI hates freedom of speech apparently L

  15. 5d3b996b3f992530fd85d52394a16226.png
    i said hurry the fuck up and announce arma 4 :peepoclown:

  16. Monks

    Ya moms a hoe

  17. @ Mason Harrison haha boomer. be right with you in a few months 🥳

    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Lmao thank you I can feel the back pain already and hells yea come join the club 🤩

  18. @ Greenbum can get this shmeat 😤

  19. imagine someone asking for your birthday and you have to say "april 22nd" :peepoclown:

    1. Lou844


      Its my birthday neck it

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