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Everything posted by Daniel162:^)

  1. Vigilante don't need more shit, we don't want basically another apd force running around with overpowered tazers (Don't say they are balanced cause they aren't they do as much as a actual rifle i have tazed people up to 500m to 1000m while my friends have gone for the restrain, wich that really needs to be fixed) APD is already cancer enough having like 10 cops on everyday at mostly all times checking redzones making it almost impossible to do decent runs. The reason for this update for vigi was to keep everyone running around with op tazers, you actually have to work for that shit now so it makes it harder for people to get them wich means not as many tazers running around.
  2. Dexter, if you like cop stuff and serial killer stuff watch it its great
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