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Everything posted by Fedot

  1. That moment when you pay certain chit for a certain house come to find out Wipe may be a thing

  2. Fedot


    My Reactions when reading thread POST That would be cool! HuH I have to buy one2 YES YESS YESSS WAT U LIED!?!?! DONT CARE SOB cry post feelings
  3. That Moment when you Finally get all the perfect house Locations!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chaotix


      Inb4 fedot bought all the houses according to the new map layout...

    3. Billcosbywarfare
    4. Fedot


      @Chaotix SHHHH I OWN JAIL

  4. Some guy quitting server gave me almost 5 mil worth of Gear... Sad reason of why hes leaving though

  5. To the APD Members i trolled/pissed off... I meant none of what i saidIm on a training Couse to Understand Kavala trolls

    1. Fedot


      PS I alsoe lost 6 Milllion trolling Kavala APD

    2. Talindor


      you must be very proud.

    3. Billcosbywarfare


      Lies you meant everything

  6. And the Civs Asking for Rides
  7. I relized there was more to the post After i posted:3 Buts Still Riot SHeilds
  8. That would be Nice to Stop Friends killing Friends but then APD would use People as RIOT Shields or Civs would be Used as Deputy Meat Shields.... maybe you could add the Ability for Deputies to have special ability to be carried as RIOT Shields TROLL
  9. I would like to buy the house Depicted below
  10. For all Yall That Can't Report People...

  11. Watching GamePlay is like Watching Pr0n, Your Not feeling it your just getting strategies for when it Happens

    1. Nova383
    2. St. Michael

      St. Michael

      You might think that's humanity or the cutting edge of what this society thinks is normal. Let me be the first to introduce to you the idea that porno is a abomination and idolatry. They want us all to relate to our sexuality as if we were just a like a monkey. I assure you we are not and it should be recognize as the abomination that it is. whether you want to follow the masses into the pit is our own personal choice. Still, thank you for speaking candidly. Maybe I could help to in...

    3. Fedot


      @Foil_Mike Jehovah Witnesses are knocking on the Internet now....

    1. Fedot


      Archiving the Past 7 Days Footage // Deleting Older Footage 500GB free

  12. I'm Sorry to all The Deputies I JUUUUUKED

  13. Okay Im working on them when im Bored lol SPBojo I have Something in mind for you
  14. BSODed for the first time in 2 years....PLEZ COMPUTER GAWDD DONT DO DIS

  15. With my Amazing Drawing Skills I Draw members! Just Post your Name Below with the IGN you want me to Draw My Work McDilli http://protocol.pw/McDilli.png GrandmaGary http://protocol.pw/Gary.png Kratos http://protocol.pw/Kratos.png HamOfMoose http://protocol.pw/HamOfMoose.png Snake (Done Before the incident) http://protocol.pw/snake.png SPBOJO http://i.imgur.com/gYowGoD.png
  16. But but what if there was like 'Dirty Dan' and his '"Tottally legal" Charity Shop' at rebel outposts that Insures them at 75% of The Price
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