It started with the lotterys. Won some here and there, so often that people assume of scripts, silly boys. I did it for fun and thought nothing of it. As the days went on, I was introduced to betting. I would did some here and there but ONE day a boy named wAng started to bet me. This man got me to 20 million dollars, the most money i've ever had. The night went on and I went to bed with 12 million.
The next day, I found out I was addicted to betting. I lost alot my money. I felt okay because I believed 2 m was alot of money.
One starry night, an Aussie comes to the group and begins to bet me, starting small like 250k. He won, and won, and won, and won until I was at 0$. I thought to myself, " he CANT win the next one". This is when I pull 4 million dollllars out of the gang funds to feed my addiction. I bet him with all my heart, hoping to the Arma Gods that I win.
That night, he won. He took my money and ran. Now here I am, no money and 4 mill in debt. This is when I start to do runs. I begin to build myself up and start to put money back into the funds. One day, a nice medic donated me 2.7 million dolllars.
With this money, I flipped it all the way to 6 million dolllars.. As time went on I got up to 20 million dollars. I don't care WHO I bet, it will be cops, gang members, or randoms I just CANT stop!
I got to 29 million dolllars last night. I felt good coming back on the server, ready to leave with 35m.. however, that did NOT happen.
A gang named Tree spawned in Kavala. At this point, I was at only 21m and wanted to be at 30m. I betted the Tree member 10 million dolllars.... and that was the downfall of me because he won.
At 11million dollars, I felt hopeless. I betted again and got up to 14m. Again I betted and got all the way down to 9m but lucky, I left this night with 20mil.
The point I am making is that I am addicted to betting but I don't want to go broke again, I've hit rock bottom before. I see many people around me go broke and I cant be like them. When is enough..enough?
How do I stop betting