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x a n x

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Everything posted by x a n x

  1. Read my answer to it again then. Like I said, im not here to argue anyone, those were all jokes that happened long ago and nobody took it serious. For the love of god.
  2. It's nothing like that lol. I made it as I felt it had to be done, as mentioned, I was away for 3 months and things have changed. I have no idea what N7 is blabling about, everyone jokes with each other sometimes like that, and I was good friends with some of the DB and they all knew I should never be taken serious as I liked and appreciated everyone and they all knew it was a joke. It's just that Mr. @N7Zero is out here making me look bad for something nobody ever took serious and @Snort 2 acting like his lawyer. Sorry, but like, move on, thank you, your comment is so negative, bad, and full of shit that it pisses me so badly but I wont let that happen bro, nah, I'll just leave it there, It's people like you who set a bad example to this commnity.
  3. Fml I forgot about the legend. Thank you bro, how u been?
  4. Yea i remember you, ty with the gl. Pahhaha what about the minute P90 was added and I was the first one to buy it and then i bump into you and 20 more Igd lol? And u robbing me for it If you say so, I wont argue with you. Thats cool xd but i never ddosed him lol Also big sorry to @Kyle Lake who I forgot to add, the man who helped me billion times and stood up for me when I lost my medic and got banned cuz I was baited by a specific person, that day I realized how much of a good person he actually is, he could've just acted like he didn't give a fuck, yet he did the right thing and was always nice for me. Same goes to @Coffee and @Childish. I appreciate all of you.
  5. I was just memeing around some Db boys, it was a classic, but big boy N7 took it serious even though I never talked to him, but that's okay, I said sorry.
  6. Sure, give me ur address and ill ship it. Didnt know there were people who would like to play on a 640x480 everything very low and 20 fps xdd
  7. Bruuh u needa start saving up. Even I convinced my dum dum dad to buy me a new one, now all this pc is waiting for is my unperm, literally didnt test it on any other game nor i plan to xd
  8. Big love bro ♥ AND STOP WITH THAT CLIP BROOOOOOOO It was in October, literally my second week on olympus daaaaaaamn ofc I was a bot :O big wise words G. I appreciate you for this ♥ What ya mean? And who's this Majed guy you speak of?
  9. zzzzzz did u get a new pc? Hope that @Ares & @Grandma Gary allow me to play
  10. Happy birthday to the boy @Tyrone

    HBD @Jimmy Jarvis have a good one, dont get too drunk ! 

  11. Sorry you couldn't take a joke and that was like 5 months ago dunno why you're bringing it up, obviously you have no good intentions so peacefully leave the thread, thank you. Thanks ♥ Im 20 big dawg Dont worry, we'll get to know each other better soon
  12. Damn I can't even imagine having a day without atleast 2 packs and you managed to go 4 months without any :O holy hell
  13. You will eventually nolife again we both know it Did u finally quit smoking?
  14. Daamn bro, idek anymore, that was literally my first day on olympus, I forgot most of it but all I do know is that you and @Hadi Mokdad showed me how amazing the server is. Reformed toxic retard mr. xanx ! Ask your gang leader @Hilly the man knows me well
  15. I just don't want a second chance at no lifing, I want the community to try and accept my apology for me being a dick in the past. I was always chill around poeople I liked. And no, they shouldn't unban me cuz the server needs players, they should consider unbanning me because everyone knows how much I loved the server and how much hours I put in daily, and because I've changed blowjo ure as addicted as I am ure just hiding it I remember in Tree you nolifed nearly as much as I did. Big facts haha, I don't even know myself anymore honestly haha Big love to you bro ♥ I hope they free you too ! Thank you for understanding me big man ! Keep the toxicity on this post as minimum as possible, ty. They're the boys ! Is that the blackwaters mr.career cop streamer the mighty Fuzz :O holy hell didn't speak to you in a while, ly bro ♥
  16. Hey buddy, that's not very Senior Police Officer of you #Animelivesmatter
  17. If they do, get the guns ready for the streets of Kavala.
  18. I didn't want to go out and @ everyone who I played with xd You know I love you no matter what my fat lovely squeker ♥
  19. That day was the day I feel in love with the server and it's community my brother
  20. First of all, for you who don't know, I'm xanx. Now before you just straight scroll down and start being rude to me (which I in some way actually deserved) please take your time and read this. As many of you know, I wasnt someone who joined in like 2014-2017, I started playing Arma 3 in early December 2018. As most of you know in what situation I was, forcing to be in house and only having 3 hours of limited area walk every 2 days a week, I started playing the server alot. My first experience was what made me keep playing the server and forever love it. Firstly I was clueless, then @Secret Agent took me in his gang called "Underrated Assholes" and taught me everything I know today. I was just randomly scatting kavala, when 2 POs approached me. One of them being @Scribble and the other one being @Hadi Mokdad. I was confused, as they just told me to get in their car, but I was like, oh they're police, I'm safe. After a short ride, I remember Scribble telling me we'll help you make money, which put a smile on my face as I was still new and had no idea what to do. So, I was immediately questioning them how are we gonna make money and what's the job, and they explained that they will be my bodyguard as I rob a gas station. At first, It seemed very fishy, I was like, 2 cops approach me, they want me to "break the law" and rob a gas station, but again, I had nothing to lose so I tagged along. I wont say anything because it's all recorded by @Scribble Watch at 3:07 I remember sitting inside laughing so hard because I couldn't believe, and then, I just heard gunfire everywhere, I was terrified, clueless. At that moment I didn't know they were trolling me so I was so confused as to what the hell is going on outside. I remember I finished robing the gas station, they told me to get back in the car that we're leaving, then took me to the closest HQ and they each gave me a mil. I was so amazed, I didn't believe it, I was like this must be a joke or something. I parted my ways with them and was so happy because I had 2 mil in my bank account, and at that point, being a new player with so much money in my bank account was an amazing experience, I remember having so much fun. Not too long after that, I parted my ways with -UA- gang and started fighting cartels. That's where my toxicity started, my ego rose up, and I lost it. I was being rude to everyone, calling people bad and "shitters", but still, it was fun, making money during the day and having countless fights at the night. It was my most enjoyable time on the server. So that's why I pretty much made this post. I was rude to people who deserved it, and to people who didn't. I was a jerk, I let my ego talk and I was blind. Despite the toxicity and all the arguments, I never really "hated anyone" (except Lion, i hated that kid with all my guts.) And everyone who ever asked me why was I toxic and constantly arguing with people, I always sad it's for the memes, to troll them because It was obviously working. But hey, after some time passes, you clear your head, and you start questioning your past. That's what brings me here now, after 3 months, I've came to conclusion that I owe everyone a big APOLOGY. I'm not going to force anyone into forgiving me, just know that if I ever hurt someones feelings, I really am terribly sorry for that, I was carried away by my ego and the bad people I was surrounded with. If you would like to forgive me, I would really, really appreciate it, just know no bad words coming from me were never aiming to hurt anybody, I just thought it was fun to troll people and argue with them, but believe me people, It really isnt worth it. Stay positive, stay friendly to everyone, and care for each other, we're all here playing this game on a server we like, we call it a dead game yet we all play it every day, so we all share something same, we enjoy the time we spend on it. So, as most of you know, not more then 3 months ago, I had my freedom given back to me, but yet I was still playing arma 24/7. One day, I decided that I have to take a break, but I knew it was not possible, just me telling myself "QUIT THE GAME" would not be enough as I would be on the next morning playing all day. So, I got myself permed. I didn't cheat, didn't script, didn't really harm the server. I spammed the chat with racist words, DDos threats and duped one kit and couple of MX tazers just to see how it's like. Immediately after @destruct pulled me in asking me "what the fuck are you doing" , I immediately told him that I'm trying to get permed because I need a break, I told him what I did, told him what was duped and left. It's been nearly 3 months since that day, and honestly, I miss the server so much. I miss all of you. I miss all the cop chases, all the fights, all the fun in Kavala. It's been 3 months, I've cleared my head and changed as a person. Currently im in @Grandma Garys and @Aress hands with my ban appeal. I will tell you guys the same thing I told them. I will no longer be the same xanx, I wont offend people, wont be toxic and will try my best to help everyone in anyway I can. I really do hope I didn't waste your time with all this, because it really means alot to me. Especially I want to apologize to @Mercury, after you permed me, talked to me, reduced it to a month, I promised to you that I will never be in a such a situation, yet I failed you man, I'm sorry. I want to apologize to @Ryan for the message I sent to him that day when I was trying to get permed as quick as possible, as it really distrubed him. Buddy you know me more then that, and I know that deep down there somewhere, you know I would never do such thing, especially to you, like @JAMIE you were always there to help me when I needed help. My boys, community, once again, I am sorry for being a bad person in the past. With much love, xanx. "We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies"
  21. Have you guys ever heard of homiesexual or is @Hilly just some gay cult leader who invented that shit :bigcheefface:

  22. o_O lock the thread please
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