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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. Hope you have a good Christmas
  2. The Admins have Hundred's of ticket's to go threw, If your not willing to be patient then don't ruin everyone else's day, we all have been Rdmed more than once including me I have learned to deal with it and Submit a ticket if necessary if not just ignore it not every server is perfect and no server will ever be perfect people will always break the rules it's just how it is
  3. the feels are real.
  4. Don't blame the Admins they have personal life's and it's the Holiday's, this isn't there only job and the Admins are extremely busy so Don't blame them, if you don't like being Rdmed then Always record and be patent when you submit a Ticket.
  5. Vid 2 0:00 - 0:03 Dat face do
  6. Cops aren't RP but they can be, like how the PO7 is way to OP, like how one time I was fully kited wearing a ECH and a GL Carrier Rig and a Cadet shot me Once with a PO7 and he downed me.
  7. That was Paul Miller that killed you I was waiting for 5 secs before I killed you and I didn't fire one bullet
  8. First of all I don't know you and second learn how to spell breakers and third I don't break rules and forth If your just gonna come in here and prove a point that's not true then you shouldn't be here.
  9. I love Olympus It's just the people that don't care about the rules makes Olympus worse, Olympus no matter what will always be my most favorite arma 3 server. #OlympusIsLoveOlympusIsLife
  10. BENJI

    Goodbye ??

    da feels are real goodbye Jonas
  11. The best gun in my opinion is either the MK-18 ABR or the katiba, the ABR is good for cloes range and far range depending on what scope you have and the katiba is a Rebels best friend
  12. God damn it Spectral you and your brother need to get new glasses and btw Im gonna be scared if your brother get's his hands on lethal rounds because if he does who knows how many times he's gonna make that mistake of loading the wrong bullets.
  13. AMS is love AMS is life
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