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Joe Diamond

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  1. ???? I'm not selling a 4 crater and a garage fully upgraded for 250k
  2. Sorry for late response starting price 4 mill Willing to negotiate
  3. Fully Upgraded and accepting offers
  4. Fully upgraded and perfect for mushrooms with garage right next to it basically
  5. Oh NVM I have on s1
  6. Server one and fully upgraded
  7. I have a do 17 4 crater and garage for sale
  8. What do you want for dp13 Garage and crater
  9. Don't cap or remove betting, people lose all their money all the time to it yes that's true but it's their choice, plus I've never seen someone quit after they went broke I've even went broke off betting and just made my money back, I do like the legal increase payout though. Let's be honest are you only saying this because you either want 1. Be able to robe people always doing runs or 2. Are tired of kav rats having Mills and bills and constantly dying because if it, if neither of these are your reasoning then I don't understand what's wrong here so explain
  10. I want to be in giveaway
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