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Everything posted by Odin

  1. Agreed. Definitely finish this track @TheLittleFella, anxious to see what you'll turn out as a finished product.
  2. You're causing me to have abandonment issues senpai!
  3. I'm on the forums all day while at work lol.
  4. Beard is alive and well. It MIGHT make an appearance for some stream coverage of this weekend's Gang Wars. Medieval clothes (WIP) for real.
  5. I thank you for that kind and honestly quite flattering compliment. I raise my glass to you.
  6. You won't come back. You won't even reply to my Steam messages
  7. You should be doing tickets without being asked or told.
  8. So here is an actual response that's not a rumor or someone's opinion. As quoted by Bubbaloo, who instead of creating an AIDS post on the forums decided to send me a very nice message with a couple questions, the remake is being worked on in the background. The framework is being reworked due to performance issues server side and to allow for a method which would potentially lessen the load on community members' machines when walking in to the newly designed public areas such as markets, car shops, gun stores, etc. This also allows for us to completely change how the GUI will look, giving it a more streamlined look and let us get away from the clunky, yellow blocks that we have now. We are not changing the code so as to get our from under the brand name "Altis Life." Also noted out of ignorance, monetization restrictions of Tonic's Altis Life code do not require that a cut of the proceeds be sent to Tonic. The restrictions are put in place by Bohemia Interactive where their regulations state: Charging players to access your server, if the fees and associated perks do not affect gameplay in any way, is allowed. Cosmetic perks are allowed. Limiting access to only paying players is allowed.Product placement, in-game advertising and sponsorship is allowed.Selling of in-game items, that don’t affect gameplay, is allowed.Accepting donations is allowed, but to avoid any doubts: not providing donations must not prevent anyone from accessing the content.The above means in simple terms means the following: Servers may offer a donator perk in the form of special "donator" vehicle textures or clothing/equipment/weapons that have the same stats as something that is available to non-donators.Example 1: A gold Hatchback texture for VIPs.Example 2: Non-donators have access to Shirt A, which has 0 armor, holds 5 magazines and is blue. Donators have access to Shirt B, which has 0 armor, holds 5 magazines and is red.Servers may collect advertising fees to place ads on billboards in-game.Servers may charge players for features such as Custom Texture Packs and Custom Clothing Texture Packs.Donations are fine, just don't hold anything back from anyone.All of that said, when Bohemia originally decided to force their policy upon us, it was stated that those who donated prior to the policy being put in place may keep the items that were allocated to them but we may not provide any new perks which do not meet the above criteria. Also imposed upon us are the following restrictions imposed by the Altis Life team: Pay to Join / Pay for White-listPaying for in-game currencyPaying for reduced prices in-gamePaying for bases/campsPaying for spawn pointsPaying for HousesPaying for Vehicle spawn pointsPaying for Weapons/Ammo/Cars/GearSome of these may be overlooked as they are in place due to interpretation of Bohemia's restrictions, but not all of them. Now all of that said, we're going to change tracks, development is in the works and yes it is being kept in the shadows. This is intentional and we apologize for it, however until we are at a point that development starts to ramp up to full steam ahead, details on what the plans are, what's done and what everyone would like to see will be on hold. We, the Olympus Staff appreciate each and every one of our community members, even the ones who cause problems and make our life a living hell. We do what we do because we want everyone to have an enjoyable place to come together and play a great game. I know it has been stated before, but the remake is not a rumor and it is coming but no, I do not have an ETA for everyone. We would rather take our time and make sure it is done right rather than release something that is broken and only partially finished. Thank you for reading and your understanding, - Odin, Unofficial Spokesperson of Olympus.
  9. See that suspiciously stable seagull above Kavala Square?
  10. Still correct. Vigi vest has about 10% less armor than the GA, which is negligible overall.
  11. Very little is confirmed or denied at this time. If someone says "I heard <random rumor>," ignore what they said unless they can point to a post on the forums from Poseidon or myself.
  12. They were primarily removed because players would randomly be turned into seagulls.
  13. Odin

    Manta Stream

    Added to home page stream list.
  14. Sorry to hear it booboo. You do you man, we'll be here waiting for ya when you're ready to come back.
  15. Some people have too much time on their hands....
  16. 100% being sarcastic and facetious.
  17. What else are people supposed to do... roleplay as something other than money hungry murderous gangs who seek to kill every living citizen so they can take their wallets until everyone is either dead or gone leaving them with a bunch of money that they have no reason so spend? Who would want to do anything other than that? No one wants to be a band of foreign mercenaries hired by a local millionaire to combat gangs in his local area of the island. Or a security firm that will provide personal security for people at a low overhead. Or as a homeless apple picker who sells apples on the corner because he's an alcoholic and needs money to buy beer since the disapproving merchant won't trade apples for beer. Or a hooker. Being a thug is easy and people are lazy. At least TREE makes their murderous intentions interesting.
  18. Is that the Chinese knock off of a Prius?
  19. Put on some tunes, roll down the window and smoke a joint. The time goes quick.
  20. Would you ever think to find meth in a SUV?
  21. AND
  22. The thread has been locked. The answer regarding donation perks can be found in my previous reply. Unless Poseidon comes in and says otherwise, what is written is what is happening.
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