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Everything posted by Farrel

  1. Gonna double up on what snare said sign me up for the unban @ Ryan
  2. @ -dante- would beg for money on the forums for food then use it to buy new a phone and computer parts..........
  3. Dante would beg on the forums for food money. Then use it to buy a new phone and computer parts.
  4. What a Chad
  5. @ ROBINOTHY  got beat up by a girl

  6. Your country is actually doomed the USA can only get better with trump.
  7. @ proud Get some bitches. Your brother doesn't count 🎃

    1. proud


      come be my wing man, the bitches can use ur bald head as a mirror to apply makeup🙏

  8. Happy Birthday @ 3 Rip

    always been a huge fan 

  9. From Srapd to civ council what happened @ Clashingtin was headless right about you all along? 

    1. proud


      get some bitches farrel

    2. doubleueyeceekay
  10. out of touch
  11. On @ Caden  neck since day 1


  12. @ proud get off sovs dick....
  13. I'll have you posting sad stories begging for grocery money so you can buy your next iphone.
  14. Free sov Or get bullied off the server again!!!!
  15. Fake virus...
  16. Wait proud sucked someone's dick?
  17. Happy birthday @ ASPEN

    1. ASPEN


      better late than never! #freedanny

  18. Your dog died cuze you fed it cookies?
  19. Back off my lady @ proud
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