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Everything posted by -BATMAN-

  1. This is really a bad thing about this server.
  2. shithole?? Where I live my dog's house is cleaner than your family's house.
  3. Hahahaha this is a nice advice, I planned it in advance for next summer but just as a visit, the best place to live on the face of the earth is Holland.
  4. I want advice from players living in Europe, is there a specific program that has been used and confirmed to work in improving ping? Because I suffer from this thing in the server, as I look like an idiot most of the time, there is lag and delay in receiving commands.
  5. I think Trump is the best since he promised to stop wars. This is the most important thing for any human being.
  6. I can't play the server now, why isn't it updated and when will it be?

    1. Millennium


      Arma update = Devs need to update shit with the server to make it playable on new arma version.

      Until they complete that and push it you cannot play on the newest version of Arma. IF you revert it to the older version of Arma you can play it.

      The devs are aware of the update and are working on it, but some are sleeping & or working.

    2. -dante-


      It’s updated now 🙂

    3. hawkg


      Servers pigshit. U shouldn’t play it 

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