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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Oh man I don't know if I could get onboard with that. A whole host of problems could occur if this were to ever happen. Inter Alia, only a small percentage of people would be able to pay off their bounties, the new people to the server would just quit after they get arrested for killing three dudes doing a weed run, and every plebeian on the server would come out of the woodwork to join the APD for the soul purpose of making money. Of course we want some realism, but if there's too little action, then people would leave. You have to cater to an audience to keep them around; the majority of the people like the island being similar to Rampart, Compton, Detroit, and Chicago all rolled into one. Judging by our server populations, I'd say we're fine where we're at.
  2. Fushitty on Cop



  3. All of these idiots complaining about how cops don't RP, but when we go the extra mile to RP, we get shot. It's a two-way street, people. Want us to RP? Then don't have your entire gang come to break you out when you get caught.

    1. SPBojo


      cops actually wants to rp now? holy fuck, how long have i been away.... jk! cops <3 Junior Deputy SPBojo :3

    2. JoeL


      I think its the civs not RPing Telling cops to RP :D

  4. Codswallop. Back before Ace made the de facto rule that we knew as the tilde guideline because he didn't want to pay tickets on Civ, you were free to tilde anyone and everyone. Nobody was safe. It forced people to play smart. That is how it should be.
  5. I probably speak for 95% of the community when I say nobody knows who this guy is and we couldn't care less if he comes back or stays away...
  6. Back when Peter Long was a CPL, (I have to mention this because it gives context; he wasn't as well known, so he didn't receive special treatment when caught by the cops. It does happen unfortunately, hence our many pseudonyms) he once RPed his way out of a $700k (Pete, you might have to correct me on the figure, but we were both on civ at the time and you got yourself out of a huge ticket) ticket. Anything's possible so long as you have a good story that explains your charges and makes it hard for the cops to fact check. I'll tell you one thing that pertains to this; since getting CPL, I issue full tickets once in a blue moon. I like to cut people deals. Makes things more fun.
  7. Yep. I'll get you for a single assault charge if I want.
  8. A civilian telling an officer that he's not got any DNA, fingerprints, eyes, blood, identity, and so on is the epitome of shit RP. Refer to my status update here. http://olympus-entertainment.com/profile/3980-fat-clemenza/?status=5974&type=status
  9. No matter how many threads you make lambasting our axing of Ace's tilde guideline, we'll not got back on our decision. Let's get down to the brass tacks. You want the tilde guideline to be reinstated so you can go back to the whole "I don't have a face, I don't have fingerprints, I don't have a wallet, etc." You just want a way out of paying a ticket. Here's a tip. When the cops catch you, accept your loss and come up with a feasible story to get you a reduced ticket or even a pardon. Tilde guideline is gone for good. It was good on paper, but terrible in practice, just like liberalism and communism.

  10. Compton

    1. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      3/10 status spam, could have been better

  11. Back in the day when I was working with LFC, the homies called me Sniper. I could use my cuete better than the rest. In all seriousness, I was able to shoot a fly at 25yds with my Anschütz bolt-action .22. I had help from a Zeiss 4x optic, but it was a difficult shot nonetheless.
  12. The Mauser Kar 98k is a fine rifle, but it's not accurate enough for me and 8mm Mauser is expensive to shoot. Fulton makes a good product, but not only is it too heavy, (11lbs naked? Good Lord.) it's still not accurate enough. $3500 for a .308 rifle that'll shoot 1.5MOA? I'll pass. I'll let the designated marksmen in the Army use them.
  13. Any gun enthusiasts please comment here. I've just done some pricing and part-picking for a possible AR build. The purpose for this rifle is long-range precision shooting. Let me know your opinions and if I'm forgetting anything. Here's the build: It's about $2600 (If I went with the scope and rings right away), but I didn't skimp out on parts. This could probably do half MOA at 100yds and still be lethal at 700yds. https://www.rockriverarms.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_id=289&CFID=534077124&CFTOKEN=59089223 (A4) http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/BCM-KMR-ALPHA-15-KeyMod-Free-Float-Handguard-p/bcm-kmr-a15-556-blk.htm http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/BCMGUNFIGHTER-Charging-Handle-GFH-Mod-44-AMBI-p/bcm-gfh-556-mod-a44.htm http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/Stock-Hardware-Mounting-Kit-Mil-Spec-p/bcm-stock-hardware-kit.htm http://www.missionfirsttactical.com/s.nl/it.A/id.1998/.f http://www.failzero.com/products/bolt-carrier-groups/ar-15-bcg-kit-with-no-hammer-detail.html https://geissele.com/super-semi-automatic-ssar-trigger.html http://shopwilsoncombat.com/Lower-Receiver-Small-Parts-Kit-AR-Style/productinfo/TR-LOWERK/ http://shopwilsoncombat.com/Tactical-Triggerguard/productinfo/TR-TTG/ http://www.noveske.com/collections/barrels/products/diplomat-5-56mm-barrel (18") http://2a-arms.com/products/t3-titanium-compensator https://troyind.com/products/offset-sight-set-m4-front-and-dioptic-rear-fde https://www.magpul.com/products/moe-plus-grip-ar15-m4 https://www.leupold.com/tactical/scopes/mark-ar-riflescopes/mark-ar-mod-1-3-9x40mm/ (Mil Dot) https://www.leupold.com/tactical/mounting-systems/prw-mounting-systems/prw-1-in-low/ http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/MI-HAND-STOP-OD-p/mi-ssp-hs-od.htm Questions, comments, or concerns?
  14. Dropped my rifle on my great toe and now my toe's purple...

    1. ToeKnee


      Are you trying to be racist 

    2. babooshka


      This triggers me #blacklivesmatter

  15. I think a lot of people were getting the memory error at 90 slots though I could be wrong.
  16. R.I.P. Kyle 2014-2016. My song to you, bro.


  17. Soooooooooo lit. Happy Fuckin New Year. Sieg! Heil!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Mountain
    3. Talindor


      It don't matter if your a light drinker or heavy, what matters is gettin, that buzz, most important part. If your boy a light drinker, he ah light drinker, you know he gettin his buzz on, that's your boy, he havin a good time that's what counts fam.

    4. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      For me, being a heavy, when I get that buzz, oooooooohhhhh yeah. But I go crazy and it's for hours. For example, at school, I started hitting on random chicks in my lunchroom. It was a good day.

  18. Hit the gym, Matt. Dustin said it'll be good for you. At least you'll not be scamming people.
  19. It's a game. While it is an RP game and we want some realism, we need to have rules that may be deemed unrealistic to keep things fair. To me, what you did is combat log. There's no doubt about it.
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