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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Not always true. There was an instance where my dad was apart of a SWAT entry into a house. They knew the bad guy was holed up in a closet of sorts, so one of the guys put a three-round-burst of 9mm through the wall to flush him out. In the police world, there's a jury behind every bullet and no action was taken against that officer. What he did was justifiable. Now I don't want to get too off topic; I understand you're a little miffed at how some people are hating on your post. While I am not hating on your post, I am posting a view that some of the other posters on this thread may agree with. I guess we can just agree to disagree on the matter. Maybe with (BurBan) taking a hiatus from cop killing things will be nice for a while, haha!
  2. That's the downside of being apart of a big gang, dude. Sorry to sound cynical, but my view, and I hope some can agree with me, is this: when I see five-ten (BurBan) or [MC] tags on the player list and I've got one in custody, then there's a pretty good chance that the rest of the guys are en route to get me. When members of big gangs try to RP with me when I've got them in custody after a jail break for example, then I can make an inference that they're just stalling the process in order to give their gang members time to kill me and make off with my prisoner. From an RL stand point, the job of the police department is to fight crime. Not only are they supposed to fight crime, they are supposed to fight crime efficiently. If we want to bring that perspective to Altis Life, then that could mean quick processing; no time for some of the quixotic stories that I get from time to time. In my opinion, I think only minimal conversation should be had with a criminal who has just tried to break felons out of jail or has just tried to kill, or has killed cops. So to go back to the main point of your OP. I want to get you processed and off the street so you cannot commit any more crime as well as limiting the possibility for the rest of your gang to fly over to the HQ and lay waste to it. There are times for RP and there aren't times for RP. If you want RP, then don't have your guys come after me after I get you in custody. If I know that I am going to be able to have a conversation with you without having to fear that I am going to be shot by your gang, then I'd be more than happy to hear about how your mom force fed you magic mushrooms and commanded you to break Jean and Joan out of prison. I also find that some of the best RP (that I've experienced) comes from a routine traffic stop. Just my $0.02. I know some will disagree, but that's my view and I'll stick by it.
  3. If you can live with the monitor you've got, then how much would you be willing to shell out on a video card? If it is within your budget, then I'd suggest an EVGA GTX 780Ti.
  4. I think a good idea for managing topics is to set a 15-20 minute timer for each topic. When the timer goes off, then you switch topics. E.G. "Time's up, guys. Moving on to front line deputy meatshields," or "what should we talk about next?"
  5. I got an A in a public speaking class I took a year ago. If you ever want me on, then I'd be more than happy to come on and jaw jack with the other members of the community. Also, a suggestion/question that you might be able to bring up would be this: Will there be any changes made to the current progression of ranks within the APD. See here for a better idea of what I am trying to get at.
  6. Playing this song at twice its normal speed is, well, I am at a loss for words at this juncture.
  7. Glad to hear that you had a good experience with the cops. Welcome aboard, dude.
  8. Put in a ticket. Stay out of trouble so you'll not have to go through the trouble again. Click on Support on the upper right hand corner of the page.
  9. Illegal? Care to cite which law he's breaking?
  10. Wow. Didn't know that many people were trying to infiltrate our servers. Thanks Poseidon and the rest of the OS. You da real MVP.
  11. "Feeling stronger every day (You know I'm alright now) Feelin stronger every day (You know I'm alright now)." Welcome back, Hades. Glad to hear you're on the mend.
  12. Hahaha!!! I processed ProfessionalDude (SolidifiedSnake in game) the other night, and halfway through it, he said to me, "How are you not a higher rank, Clemenza?" Unprepared for that kind of question, I replied with "I don't know, but I'm comfortable with where I'm at." Needless to say, I think he was quite happy with my performance as a policeman. I think his buddies were happy with the treatment they received from my colleagues as well. See, ProfessionalDude? The grass isn't greener on the other servers; Olympus has Green Grass and High Tides.
  13. Hahaha!! I would just tell the cop "No I can't do that" And be on your way. The cop can't do anything to you at that point. If you taze him, then you'll have the rest of the cops in the city looking for you. If you get caught, your weapons and licenses will be taken. A fat loss of money ain't worth it. However, Gary hit the nail on the head; If you down and restrain a guy who's bounty is $75K or up, then he's yours. The police cannot take him from you.
  14. Ouch. That's a pretty penny. If I were in your shoes, I'd wait it out and save. Due to the rate that technology advances at, especially in this market, you'd being doing yourself a favor if you decided to wait and save. You'll get your hands on a good piece of kit for a better price if you wait.
  15. Wheat, you've got a top range build at this juncture, so you'll not want to get a less-than-stellar video card if you can help it. You couldn't go wrong if you got a single EVGA Superclocked 780Ti or an EVGA Superclocked 980. Both are around the same price, but the 780Ti is the better card despite it having only 3GBs of VRAM as opposed to the 980's 4Gbs. The 780Ti has more CUDA cores and a bigger memory interface. The 980 may look like it has more horsepower, but the 780Ti can put the horsepower to the ground more efficiently than the 980. Happy hunting, sir. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487037&cm_re=EVGA_780Ti-_-14-487-037-_-Product http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487079&cm_re=EVGA_980-_-14-487-079-_-Product
  16. Anybody else having trouble accessing the Master APD Handbook? When I click on the thread all I see beside Hades's name is [t-color=#333333]. Am I behind on something or is this an issue?

    1. ToeKnee
    2. Poseidon


      should be fixed. Seems to be some stupid bug where formatting breaks.

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Awesome. Thanks, Poseidon.

  17. Refer to my post here, Ozzy. A few admins have addressed the issue.
  18. Merry Christmas, Olympus. I'd like to share a poem with all of you. "Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind, For those that here we see no more, Ring out the feud of rich and poor, Ring in redress to all mankind. Ring out a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, With sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out the want, the care, the sin, The faithless coldness of the times; Ring out, ring out thy mournful rhymes, But ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out old shapes of foul disease, Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace. Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart the kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be." Alfred, Lord Tennyson
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  19. Damn it, you're right! I forgot to say "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli." Next time for sure.
  20. Payne, I would love to work at a gun store. That wouldn't even be a job to me, dude. Enjoy it, dude. You get paid to handle guns all day and I'm sure the clientele that you serve are much more respectful than the idiots I used to deal with at Dave & Buster's. Munski, that's got to suck. Literally all of the organisms that can kill a human are indigenous to Australia and you need a license for an air gun. What do you do when you're in the outback? Throw shoes at a crocodile? You Aussies have bawls of steel
  21. I've got a .223 upper for that gun and around 200 tracers. Looks bitchin when you do a mag dump of all tracer at night. I'll get a video of that next time.
  22. The F1 civic was hysterical! Remer, it'd have been worse if I was still 260lbs. I'm down to around 185lbs now.
  23. I uploaded a few shooting videos that I think the Olympus community will enjoy. Note that if you hit 720p and go back and adjust the quality again, you'll be able to view the videos in 4k. Enjoy! DISCLAIMER: IF YOU DO NOT LIKE FIREARMS OR ANYTHING ABOUT FIREARMS, THEN PLEASE, FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, DO NOT WATCH THESE VIDEOS
  24. From my days on Wasteland, in order to avoid surface-to-air missiles, we'd always fly very, very low so that the pucker factor was extremely high. I don't remember any of us getting shot down while using that tactic, but if we were high in the sky, then we were guaranteed a missile up the ass.
  25. Ace, would having titans back in game, but only in very, very limited supply be feasible? Maybe for only Corporals and higher? I would not advocate for anyone else getting them since Rebels have access to .50BMGs and 7.62s. Just offering a sort of meet in the middle suggestion.
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