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Citizen (3/7)



  1. Hi J here. I'm still alive, delivering presents on the Holidays.
  2. Hi. J here. I think Dante is a great admin. He bans everyone I report, so far, a 100% approval rate. Thank you for keeping the rats in cages Dante. It keeps them from chewing on wires in my Postal Truck. Which reduces costs to the USPS. Have a great day.
  3. Hi, J here. Why remove house radar? This will reduce the USPS's effectiveness at delivering the mail on time. Our overtime hours are going to definitely go up. Which will increase taxes for the average household.
  4. Hi J Here. Neither won, both are still interacting to each other on Olympus forums. Thank you all and have a nice day!
  5. Hi, J Here. No. Thanks and have a good day everyone !
  6. Hi J here. Idk who you are but I wish you the best of luck moving forward. We've all gotta move on and do better things with our short lifespans. Luckily, I have the USPS retirement plan to fall back on and I can't wait for that day. As a near senior citizen that's been playing Olympus since it's birthyear I wish you well.
  7. The Cops:  "Alright guys...we may have lost 3 ghosthawks and 3 armed planes and an orca to JPostman in the past 30 minutes...but I think THIS time we can get him!"


    1. milos inflated dev2 ego
    2. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      lmao it was fun

    3. JPostalMan


      You guys were relentless. I loved it. Sadly . JPostman has a special move :"unlimited money"

  8. We will make Olympus server rules, clear and fair again.


  9. In the first video. There was no Video proof showing the player ramming the Ghawk. Therefore, Teamplayers is innocent. in the second video. Nothing was lost by the APD officer, also the APD officer was obviously baiting being rammed as he didn't step out of the path of video. Nor did the officer give any orders to stop so> natural selection. In the third video the player obviously was under a lot of pressure to save his friends so he ran into the compound and attempted to kill the cops trying to dab on his homies. Unfortunately the rook has a TON of recoil and his allies died in the crossfire. I hear that he religiously cries at 3am at the loss of his friends by his own hands....if the economy wasn't in shambles he could afford something better than the ultra powerful recoil 9mm. In all counts: Innocent and a victim of society.
  10. odd...this gang rammed a friend of mine with a ifrit twice in a red zone to let a medic safely revive one of their fallen buddies, then claimed it was okay by his mod/admin teammate (same gang, different tag). You're not alone in dealing with said gangs shenanigan mod/admin shield. there's a couple reasons why this isn't acceptable behavior in our case: 1) obviously your buddy wouldn't have been revived if my buddy wasn't spangled by your ifrit and 2) Your team then gets to move into a position to counter my spangled buddy. If everyone would quit being shitters, we'd have fair and honest fights where the truly skilled and tactical would win. That being said, the gang in question EASILY would've won in the long term...but they chose to exploit via ramming and spangling my buddy 2x... while being in an ifrit. All I'm asking is for everyone to perform better. L's and W's come and go. Don't ruin the gaming experience out of desperation. Be Better.
  11. I Have No Enemies.

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