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  • Olympus Gang
    Village idiots
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  1. I have proof contact me tmmr and I will sell I kidnapped a sergeant and stole it off him its stored at house and is still a tazer I can test on u and u can test on me urself contact me or warmonger we are clan village idiots lmk if u are still interested serious offer minimum 1.2mil its a real mk tazer which they never removes
  2. mk18 1million - 800k is my offer I can sell whenever u want for 1.2
  3. got sum rifle tazer sellin for couple mil
  4. why does no one ever respond to ban appeal requests

    1. gaz


      They do respond, it can sometimes take time depending on the staff member that banned you. Remember that staff are volunteers and cant always get to look at you appeal right away. It normally is handled within a few days.

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Just make 3 more tickets while also making multiple status updates calling them shit at their job. Usually speeds things up

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      mfw you message me and make a status update about a ban appeal I have yet to see.

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