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The Antichrist

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The Antichrist last won the day on February 21

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  1. Random ass chasing staff clout.
  2. Never said a single tihng about people being 'out to get me.' You're just parroting the detractors for clout. Cringe.
  3. Scheduled Releases This Week:

    1. Victim of a Simp  (The made for tv movie based on the events that led to the false banning of The Sovereign)
    Starring:  @ Marcus @ Teddy_ ,That Bald Bitch whose name I forgot, and @ The Antichrist

    2.  Furkiller (A biographical work about @ Big Boss Fredo  and his campaign against the APD)
    Starring:  @ Big Boss Fredo  @ Element_  @ Rexo

    3.  Staff Meeting:  Episode 1
    An ongoing sitcom that takes place during staff meetings.  
    Starring:  @ Rexo  @ Marcus  @ Milo  @ Diamond  @ Fraali

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      You bring this shit on yourself retard, and then you start crying and screaming... and then they send me the videos of it.  It's a cycle I've come to enjoy, but it's one you always have had the power to end.

    3. proud


      40 years old, supposedly quit the server, went on a cry baby spree on a post, and is gonna make a news podcast on an arma 3 server. i do not believe you are happy with life.

    4. The Antichrist
  4. CC needs a coups. 2 days in and already putting the kneepads on. Godamn that's gotta be a record.
  5. A vast majority, but not all, of this generation of men are the type of guys who will spend weeks watching videos on youtube teaching them how to be an 'Alpha Male,' only to turn around and immediately buckle when a perceived 'higher status male' tells them what their opinion is.
  6. "If everyone is thinking alike, then someone isn't thinking" George S Patton There were staff who agreed it was a failban. Then they went silent immediately. There are no staff who care more about doing the right thing than impressing their superiors with unmitigated sycophancy.
  7. Goodnight. Hope you don't wake up to anything emotionally devastating.
  8. I heard your voice bud. You had an assigned seat on the shortbus and it smelled like piss. Actually you know what...
  9. At least you said one true thing.
  10. The irony of shitting on milo is so deep. Like the only person who interacts with CC on any respectful level in that chain.
  11. ROLEPLAY is listening to your instructions and following them. It's not useable as an excuse to make up reasons to ban people. That was retarded and you know it. Go back to simping on your bald gf.
  12. No NLR ban in the history on NLR bans has been as petty as that ban.
  13. Spinning around, disabling autohover, clearly see I'm pulling up on them as they begin drifting from it being off. Await further instructions so what time frame you trying to put on that where the engagement message no longer applies? This is my exact point. Covering for bad bans instead of honestly reviewing them is aids to the community. I've been saying the same thing forever. You can't just let 100 staff members inject arbitrary opinions into the rules, the rules need to be black and white. You make it impossible to follow the rules when you move the bar in opposing directions. When you're injecting retarded opinions into it, it should be discussed and announced publicly... not applied to random bans on people doing their best to follow the vague ass rules that are written out. "Autohover in place"... diengaged autohovers, spins and drifts. Fucking legal, and if anyone can't process that their mother dropped them on the kitchen floor.
  14. Two situations are unrelated, but you got noticed. Congrats.
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