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Everything posted by Matt12321

  1. low key been using a mk1 sup for days straight
  2. https://streamable.com/pjydye
  3. Matt12321


    haha no1 cares ur dead in the cerebrium actually worst admin to ever exist like how have u lasted this long. no love loss monkey
  4. alot
  5. Make a ukraine map for conq!!!!
  6. bump
  7. bump
  8. sell me 1
  9. 2c, 3c, 4c
  10. cute, if only you had a ghawk. i just got 0'd at casino so not buying anymore.
  11. read the title
  12. sold
  13. 2
  14. 7.62 suppressor for 2 mil, no less.
  15. Factual
  16. So with the new ban system i was trying to get my ban reduced to a 1 day (it was a 9 day for nlr) it has been like 7-8 days and i submited a ban appeal 2 days ago and i sat in the ban center for around 32 hours straight and never got pulled. I just wanna be able to play for the weekend since i have nothing to do for school. Is there anything else i can be doing since xDro (the person who banned me) only gets one once a full moon
  17. I aint got time for that bs
  18. yo lemme got off my 9 day I have waited like 6 allready
  19. Matt12321


    honestly why are we even arguing about this shit when server 1 has been down for 12 hours straight and server 2 goes down every 30 mins. Nerdy you should spend more time trying to find the peop…… oh wait you did and haven't banned them yet.
  20. Matt12321


    don't u have 22 houses to camp? get on retard
  21. Matt12321


    you cant say that banks aren't meant for a group that large at banks, but if you go to a fed or BW you will get pounded with only 15 people because of the sheer number of lethals mass logging on for those events
  22. Matt12321


    yeah noble just bad man... u hate to see all 30 of them robbing instead of doing a BW
  23. nah im not going below 1m for the titans
  24. ight Maddox u will buy everything? lemme get u a price drafted up ight everything is sold except the titans and I will do 1m for the titans
  25. lol all the tasers are 4.2m and the wpts are 3346000
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