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Shabiki v2

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Status Replies posted by Shabiki v2

  1. @Cale is officially the BIGGEST noob on olympus lmao

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      bro, you say this about everyone. are you sure youre not just projecting?

  2. civs need some more high skill cap weapons at their disposal. give us the zubr for christ's sake

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      What's your IGN, Monks? I've been looking for you

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  3. civs need some more high skill cap weapons at their disposal. give us the zubr for christ's sake

  4. civs need some more high skill cap weapons at their disposal. give us the zubr for christ's sake

  5. civs need some more high skill cap weapons at their disposal. give us the zubr for christ's sake

  6. civs need some more high skill cap weapons at their disposal. give us the zubr for christ's sake

  7. The current state of America just makes me feel sad man

  8. The current state of America just makes me feel sad man

  9. Alrighty Mr. @Zahzi go ahead and reveal that @Shabiki v2 here is really just you on an alt account trying to annoy us. Admit it.

  10. @Shabiki v2 is biggest noob on all of olympus

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      everyone who downvoted that post is unskilled trash that is unfit for kavala warfare. the enlightened know what's up.

  11. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

  12. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

  13. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      straight up, someone has to make a post about this, cause i know there are some enlightened people out there that share the same belief. kavala takes infinitely more skill to hold than any cartel.

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  14. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      i can tell who's about to pull out a rook and rdm me just by the way he is looking at me. that is when u know.

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  15. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      but then u can just get a rook and restart. it all comes with the territory. kavala is what separates the men from the boys.

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  16. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      yet you downvoted vigi rat's suggestion... interesting. and yes, i genuinely believe kavala is a lot more fun than cartels. these cartel gangs are just cowards sitting in bushes all day. they waste their money on expensive kits and ifrits when they can just go to kavala with rooks and gain the same amount of satisfaction.

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  17. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      and monks, fuck you. u r such a bandwagoning prick. you just like to gang up on me with other people and that is not cool, even though you agree with me

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  18. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      ok, consider it done. just letting u guys know that this will never happen

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  19. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      @Skateezy if u think  vigi should have lethal, you need serious mental help

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  20. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      imagine suggesting something that could ruin the server just so u can get some extra in game currency

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  21. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      i say we remove vigis from the game entirely

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  22. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      i am just speaking my mind and this is not it, and anyone who does say it is is a fucking retard. go become apd, dumbass. stop being a coward ass vigi. cops have the added benefit of not having to shoot their friends to pardon them, but we know how u retards like to farm ur bounties

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  23. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      this is a shitty suggestion. there is no fucking way vigis should have such power. fuck off, dumbass. go read the rules? how about u go fuck yourself

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  24. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      only a vigi rat would suggest such a thing. fuck off retard

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

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