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Everything posted by HarmlessWaffle

  1. me when the riots are happening me being happy bc my mom and dad are watching it up to 1:30am my face::pogchamp:

    1. Millennium


      what the fuck did u just say?

    2. Mobundo African Warlord

      Mobundo African Warlord

      How the fuck would you like a Knee Neck Choke from Behind Buddy.

    3. Venomm
  2. when the guy is not saluting correctly(this is totally unrelated btw)
  3. @Monks why are you a squeaker even though this is not related to ur post
  4. um lets see here i have no idea what i am saying but this is the best server or i will steal ya v-bucks
  5. me when my mom says i cant have v-bucks


  6. guys guess what i stole my mums credit card


    1. SPBojo



    2. monster


      cant relate with the mom part.

  7. really bro that is a problem lets me call the police for u.
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