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i bring out your insecurit

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About i bring out your insecurit

  • Birthday November 1

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  1. Lol I don't know what you guys want me to say, I am sorry for how I used to act.


    whether I like it or not it's a fact I grew up with this shit, it holds a special place. ☺️

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  2. i find it funny how much this server genuinely affects peoples feelings lol.
  3. propah scouza that is m8

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CaloomClark


      Ahhhh what was your name back then mate

    3. i bring out your insecurit

      i bring out your insecurit

      I literally have no idea lmao 🥶 its whatever. lets get the memes running again sometime

    4. CaloomClark


      Yes mate send me a message in game some time

  4. How can you make such an unfounded argument like that? Project more about your financial issues... it's hilarious We live in the age of the internet, if you weren't such a fuck up maybe you could learn how to use it to not be in such a financial struggle. I with the best for you man you clearly going thru it Or just get off the forums and get a job
  5. first, this is concerning second, if you want to talk about backbone, how about the plain fact donations allow you and your mong gang to continue being a nuisance wow a mom joke. you must slay
  6. you might be more delusional then the pretend female
  7. imagine being in silla
  8. this is a big wah wah thread and an utter waste of finger energy
  9. no just estrogen and extreme Delusions
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