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Everything posted by lukie

  1. i hear green needle
  2. this video is for if any staff member decides to ban me if he decides to report me

  3. lukie

    mk1 tazer

    -1 scammer, dont deal with him
  4. why are you transvestigating an old lesbian
  5. 8df3df9d0982cb377a644e9edd409405.png
    they continue to silence the truth......

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monster


      Olympus Defending Pedophiles yet again...

    3. virus


      been said since day 1 that mighty is a retard

    4. Lezek


      javier ramirez will always strike back

  6. sov is better and you know it
  7. everyone loves sov and is afraid to admit it
  8. can i get community manager too

  9. bro didnt realize i jumped out 💀

    1. lukie


      he didnt even dispute me and i still got banned, anybody gets mod now i guess

    2. N9ne


      took him so long to realize 😆

    3. Gazz


      This guys a roleplayer.

      Shut up craka ~wise words of lukie

  10. arma players try not to beg for attention when they take a 2 week break challenge : IMPOSSIBLE
  11. https://gptzero.me/
  12. i could have done this much quicker, but thanks i guess
  13. cant even find anybody to rdm on asylum anymore
  14. @admins stop hacking the server

  15. do you have a clip?
  16. @ Grandma Gary
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