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  1. like i said only did it max a few times they also bought things with said scrap which I won't mention then sold I mean my boy john holiday got ripped 400mil of legit earnings
  2. "Slightly profited " - Mako What happened to all the gangs that got wiped cough cough tilde probably had 600mil + of legit money earned wiped / plus houses sold . My understanding is the average person that got banned over that bullshit only made 10-20mil max over exploiting the airdrop ifirits . All you dipshits got was a little fine if we take what mako said at face value. So u scrapped all these airdrop frits they did same yet yall got off with nothing more than a little tap on the shoulder What dictated if person was banned / wiped with the scrap. I mean some people did it once or twice and still got banned. yes with cyruses lmao ya know the one where there should only be 1 legit cause it was a giveaway I dont understand why anyone would be paying for olympus + each month.
  3. how much we speaking
  4. anyone plz im in need
  5. title
  6. make it worth fighting
  7. bullshit
  8. i had 15 zafirs in my AT Jeep
  9. Pigz

    WTB a few things

    prices on all like each individually how much for both MX 1 6.5 both 5.56 1 t5 1 5.8
  10. Looking for a few of each Sting Tasers MX Tasers Spar Tasers pilot covs 6.5sup 5.56 sup 5.8 sup DP 25 3crater or better DP 13 3crater or better Also tier 4/tier 5 vests
  11. check ur discord dms
  12. Pigz

    WTB Ghost hawk

    since when am i rat
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