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Everything posted by Tarquanda

  1. as acting owner of goose, I'll oversee this cointoss
  2. They went back to the water where they spent most of their time in the game, how poetic.
  3. Just revive people and make your easy money, any sense of RP was lost on this server 3 years ago.
  4. I for one think DPI jumping should be allowed, in the real world I can jump over a KM just by rotating my neck and jumping. So realism isn't an excuse for banning here
  5. lay off my man dawg
  6. I think its texas petes but I could be wrong all i saw is "hot"
  7. no he called the fat man with hot sauce on his breasts the fragger.
  8. Lets not forget I was the first one to bring fatman to olympus, you are the erep farmer my compadre.
  9. Tarquanda

    fund me

    a year ago they were 20mil what happened
  10. Tarquanda


    the boy is selling them
  11. how much for both rpgs
  12. boot licking cock goblin
  13. Now is the best time of any to resurrect this thread it's fucked up what he be doing to you
  14. unfortunate that only the admin's opinion matters!
  15. cheese he said he'd buy it stop trying to scare him off
  16. I was almost positive we weren't allowed to buy houses in redzones. When I bought the cocaine pro house a year ago i got a nice slap on the wrist when admins found out.
  17. hm for 4 rpgs
  18. BUMP
  19. it having the garage?? yes?
  20. Maybe if the if the fights weren't so dogshit and aids people would play
  21. You're not ready for the pure heat I'm about to spit
  22. Tarquanda


    Dm me offers
  23. Tarquanda


    Selling Dp9 5c (fully upgraded) and Dp9 Garage.
  24. 5m
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