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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Phizx

  1. I'll give you the D later #FuckMaturity
  2. The only person who answered my questions about APD Sad to see you leave APD but I know you'll do great as a mod We support Bubba!
  3. Dudes younger than me by like 3 years and I still mistake him for my father.. Rip . SqueakerLyfe
  4. I understand the restriction of the rank they can reach but you might've misunderstood me. As Muthinator mentioned I don't think we need to drop the age limits or take them out completely but rather give them a chance. I know a lot of people who are mature when they need to be have been denied due to their age without being given a chance. It doesn't matter much to me, however, I think if they know enough about the APD and server rules and they pass their interview, sAPD should allow them to participate in the deputy training , see how they act and then decide whether they are equipt to be a deputy or not. Also #Ham4Sgt Kappa Edit: Say I was 15 and acted just as any other member of the APD, why should I have to wait another whole year to be a cop on Olympus? Doesn't make sense to me
  5. Yeah but I think it should still be a bit more lenient as I haven't seen any issues with it recently. With it we gained great APD members such as Trimorphious and Ham, I think we should atleast give the youngsters a chance #Ham4SGT
  6. 1. Most Dominate Gang : M probably 2. Favorite Player : Ninja 3. Favorite current APD Member : SystemChips 4. Favorite R&R Member : Peta 5. Favorite former APD member : Devil 6. Favorite former R&R : Idk 7. Kavala Troll King : Everyone in [DB] 8. Favorite time on the server : Cartels. 9. Funniest Moment : Devil spawning in jets and nuking the whole map 10. Something you want in the community : Corporal.. Besides that maybe gang houses/auctions 11. Favorite Quote :
  7. Congrats on admin Dili :D

  8. BIRTHDAY? HAVE A GREAT ONE BUBBALOO :D (IS that 50 yet? :) )

  9. "Sir i'ma be reading off your charges at this time" "But wai---" "You're wanted for one count of " "AAA YOU BUTTAFINGA PINK FING"
  10. Time to start doing drug runs for all those striders #FirstWeekOfApril :D

  11. These are corporals ^^^^ #Stingfordeputies
  12. Guys.. They can lock our topics and status updates one by one.. BUT WE MUST UNITE AND REVOLT! Everyone post #Unban3Rip on the first of March at 6 pm :D

  13. Hyped for the GA's :D


    1. Joel


      I'm buying tac vest :D Just to be different, I could already buy GA's and I only survived from a suicide vest...

  14. [VX] Raptor? O.o Illuminati Confirmed Kappa
  15. Guys.. Cmon now.. This is not where you post a ban appeal.. Just kidding #Unban3Rip
  16. 69% of the donation goal :D

  17. Go to the Support tab > New Ticket > Fill it out under General Inquiry > Put the desired name in the box > Wait until the forum administrators are available to take care of it for ya. Good luck
  18. Lying about your age is breaking a rule genious
  19. Says the one blacklisted from apd AND R&R rip..
  20. Another sdar montage incoming? O.o
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