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About s3an1

  • Birthday January 20

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  1. So when you come out of smoke and see a player on the ground who you might not notice is spangled, that you didnt run over, and you shoot them.. you can be banned?
  2. Thanks. For some reason I didnt check the gang page.
  3. It must of changed because it has over 1mil and it says the gang bank doesnt have enough.
  4. Cant seem to find much info on gangsheds. Anyone know how much each upgrade costs for virtual and physical storage? Thanks
  5. Well that sucks lol I dont think I'd want to buy anything expensive then. Thanks.
  6. I've been looking at the marketplace lately and I didnt notice any pinned posts on there about any rules for selling and buying.. Just wondering if you can be banned for scamming people from the marketplace? If someone sells in game and not the marketplace and scams you, can you be banned? Thanks
  7. s3an1

    Fire Sale s2

    How much for mx taser?
  8. s3an1

    selling hawk

    I'm at 7 mil.. gonna start grinding to buy this if noone else does
  9. I think the armor. The + has a metal plate blocking the gunner.
  10. s3an1

    wts gear.

    I'll buy an RPG tomorrow if still available?
  11. I'm on
  12. Sounds good. Can the trade be tomorrow? I usually get on around 530 pm PST
  13. 1.1 mil for both? Not sure how much this stuff goes for.
  14. Yea not sure why It would be worth much more beside the fact it comes from blackwater.
  15. 1.5m
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