So my gang is doing an illegal run and we pull up to the processing station. I hear one of my members yell out that another gang is there to include their armed jeep. Shortly after that I see in the server chat that both of the rival gang members leave the game.
My team processes the drugs and about 5-10 minutes later you see them join back. I look around as I'm providing overwatch and do not see anyone in the area. Approximately 15-20 minutes later they jump in their trucks and start them up only to be shot by the guys who joined back.
If they leave the game but dont join the other server and wait a few minutes before joining back allowing some of the drugs to be processed without risk of being spotted, is this getting around the ghosting rule?
If they really did join the other server and ghosted, how does one prove that someone did that? Is there a way for staff to check around that time frame if they joined the other server?