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Jaeger Mannen

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Everything posted by Jaeger Mannen

  1. I think best of 5 from each gang. 3 gangs from each server. Salt Flats with Zubrs.
  2. Tree isn't as big as everyone thinks, not number wise. Allot of our guys are also doing their Mandatory 3-days of APD deputy Service as well, but once that Hiatus is over.. Count us in.
  3. I'm counting on it.. The moment I see a Huge Tree there, I'll let Server 1 go and disband the gang.
  4. [Tree] just pulled the biggest 8 digit-million dollar heroin run with 15 cops on(Ares included), all protected by a well planned ruse. Server 1 Just got Tree'd x30.

  5. lol Nah it ain't like that at all. Just small things people had to get off their chest. Regardless of numbers on either side, shit was fun and no one is salty(I know my first post misinterpreted McDili's post....was raging drunk) I look forward to the Zubr fight followed by Ifrit Derby followed by Joint Terror on Altis/Server 1.
  6. All this betting is invalid. The Sea Hawks purposefully threw the game.... NFL has just went to the Crapper. And I wagered on the Patriots.... Don't even want it. Worst Super Bowl ending EVER
  7. Next time it's Salt Flats, Day time, with Zubrs...
  8. I agree that it was finnicky that Conner was revived, but he was AFK the entire time. He told us later he clicked "Request" and then went to dinner assuming it'd be over by the time a medic arrived. I agree- That was shakey, but he didn't budge and was killed instantly regardless. Diesel joined the last second, flew over and we told him to straight fuck off. He didn't call anyone out; just came, got bitched out by the gang, and flew off. We're defensive because we want it to remain a legitimate competition regardless of numbers. We're always down for a rematch, it was fun. Like bacardi said- we didn't quite hear the rules put out by Moob to fly out north...we ran on foot lol... TS was Loud as shit but silent like a library when the battle started. Hopefully our Rematch won't have ANY hiccups and goes smoothly. None of us wanted anything shiesty.
  9. Dude- Patriots won the Superbowl and I'm pissed and I bet for *them* to win. Seahawks threw the game on purpose....
  10. McDili, We were spread out too. Maybe you shouldn't rely your tactics on 1-2 people. Don't be salty dude.. Regardless of whether you say it or not. You're making excuses. Squid was killed on the Coast line and I wasn't that far from the coast. You're the first person i heard complain about that fight and making excuses
  11. Tree won. Tree only had 8... don't know where 12 came from. We started with 10 but 2 d/c'd. Tree didn't take foritication...mcdili wasn't even there...
  12. Yeah I was just about to post this.. Meh. 500k for whoever wants to bet against me.
  13. 500k on Patriots. I can sympathize with the Patriots; like [Tree], nothing but hate towards them because they're always Winning.
  14. Made Wheatkings eat a .50 today... Hope he ain't Salty.

  15. Good fight tonight MC. All Hail The Great Tree.

  16. A successful Fed-Res, Prison break, 2x hostage situations(one negotiated while we're processing a stolen load), 100% successful banditry, and won the Server Event. Yep... [Tree] sucks o_O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      i wish i had been recording your "landing" yesterday :P

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      lol! Me too dude. Honestly.

    4. Fedot


      Nobody really "Lands" the crash with style

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