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Everything posted by Revenge

  1. I cannot explain myself because I do not know your language very well. some people make an effort not to understand. Look, I'm Saying Again and for the Last Time. 1. I've made mistakes in the past. I was punished too. I recently served my 14-day sentence. There was a Many Rule error against me too. I have reported. There were also those I did not report. Wrong done by mistake is forgiven. Deliberate mistake cannot be forgiven.. 2. Until Last Week I clashed with Silla in the Kavala Region. They know that in our wars that lasted for days, I started a role by constantly sending messages. I was fighting alone against 15 people . We had fun. We got ambitious. They were handcuff me. . They were robb me. We swore at each other. Sometimes we talked by texting. I gave a role by sending a message again after 10 Minutes. I killed it. We Killed Cops Together. They Never Reported Me. two or three times I made a report. The penalty was imposed. They were the newcomers to their gang. And they were banned for deliberate rule violations. I have never seen a racist attitude towards me from its noble members. 3. Our battles, with the IRA Vigi Gang started recently. Many times I've Killed. They caught Me over and over and sent me to jail. we swore at each other. I played my game. He did what he had to do. We did not report to Each Other. Because we didn't do it wrong.. 4. I have fought with the cops many times. When They Are Crowded I Tried To Hunt One By One. I was rude to them sometimes. I swore. Sometimes I sang. I teased some officers, saying that he was inadequate. We had a moment last time. We had fun. I left the police station nicely. I did not make an illegal move. they didn't do it against me either. For this reason, we never reported each other with any police. I even made the Latest Apd Application. I was accepted for the interview. But I didn't go. 5. In the last two days, this characterless, immoral man started to come to Kavala. I've Killed Him Many Times. A Sleeveless little player who doesn't understand the game. Actually I know very well that his enmity to Me came from long ago. He's one of the poor guys who thinks he's the better player than anyone else. I deflated his air. I have killed it over and over. I started a role by sending a Message every Time. He knows how to Run Like Usain Bolt. When he couldn't cope with me, he made fake videos. Made 5-minute Scam Videos with Missing Seconds. I'm telling you again. Every Time I Kill this depraved, I had a Role Starter in the Message box. I SAY IT AGAIN FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING. I HAVE A ROLE, BY ALWAYS MESSAGING WITH THIS BAD MAN. IN THE VIDEOS HE PROVIDED AS EVIDENCE, THE SCREEN IMAGE IS NOT ENOUGH. THERE IS A LACK OF TIME IN THE VIDEOS HE SENT AS EVIDENCE. STAYING WITH IRA IN MY WAR, AND DIED. CROSS FIRE. USED THIS VIDEO LIKE I KILLED HIM WITHOUT ROLE. 3 VIDEO IS ABSOLUTELY INVALID DUE TO LACK OF TIME. 1 VIDEO ALSO STAYED IN BETWEEN FIRE. THE GAME SCREEN IS HIDDEN FOR 3.50 MINUTES IN 1 VIDEO. Of course, it will be revealed that I am not guilty. then be ready to account for what you have done
  2. I don't want my words to be misunderstood. "@TheNerdyGuy and @ Millennium" first betrayed Ryan. Then he betrayed his Teammates, Admins and Moderators. Of course, he betrayed us, the actors, at the end. This Unjust, Unjust Decision made to Me Today will also be made to you tomorrow. Do not be silent against the injustice done to you in every moment of life. Search your right to the fullest. "IF YOU CANNOT BE A PREVENTION OF OPPRESSION, SPEAK IT TO EVERYONE!"
  3. there is goodness in every evil. This bad Injustice done to me will open the door for You to a better fair administration in the future. You're the most retarded idiot I've ever seen... Do not show that you are ignorant in front of so many people!
  4. I can't see 7 RDM videos. Where are they ? There are 5 silly videos created only by your friend. You decided by disregarding the server rules. You made the wrong decision by counting the unlawful, immorally prepared videos as evidence. You and Your Characterless Friend Who Made Videos You know very well. you have abused your duty and powers. You will be punished for the wrong you have done. I reported this Video from Rdm. Do you know what answer came? "This is crossfire he is shooting at the APD. Unfortunately this report has been closed because it was determined that no rules were broken here. If you think that this is incorrect, please review the server rules for clarification then submit a new player report requesting an Admin." I was suspended for 14 days recently for this video. he also managed to trick Moderator Regal with a scam video by another depraved actor. everyone can make mistakes. There may be details that are overlooked. He returned from Error (Regal) after I made my appeal # 135310. Regal has proven to be a Justice manager. I also thank him. I would like to share with you the reply from David Miller to my report # 135097. "I can't hear anything over your music, you also spend a lot of time alt tabbed where you could have been engaged. We cannot process this player report due to insufficient evidence." Can you thinking? Won't I wander around the area ... So why is the immoral person who made these videos constantly traveling in that area? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I've been with you for a short time. I worked for 590 hours. Of course my mistakes happened. I also suffered their punishments. but I'm never guilty here either. I say with all my heart. You misused your authority to protect your friend. Many people along with me realize that this decision you have made is wrong. you damaged your reputation. You have shaken the trust of the players because of the mistake you made. You don't deserve to sit on that seat anymore. Of course I will be cleared of crimes. I will continue to play with my friends, enjoying it. But you will be forgotten in our eyes as an untrustworthy ruler who betrayed Ryan and your Fellow Executives. @TheNerdyGuy @Milennium
  5. Dude, i know this. this person and | IRA | I had a role with. All 4 videos he sends are missing seconds and one video | IRA | Caught between crossfire while fighting with.. Scam videos that are entirely intended to ban me.. the main thing that makes me think , How did ThenerdGuys and Millennium believe this?
  6. I think you should read the life of our Prophet Muhammad. We'll see
  7. A Word of the Prophet Muhammed came to my mind : " Anyone who does not react to an injustice is a mute demon." I won't play when I'm acquitted of these crimes. Did you understand Nate Hero You also act like a bitch...
  8. Look at the situation where justice came. What a pity. Today I was banned (Perm). I will not make an objection to Ban either. I don't think to play anymore.. but I have something to tell you. Friends, I want to expose this dishonest to you.. If I swearing at this man, I will waste my words. I want to say honestly in front of you all. This man is a fraudulent, dishonorable, immoral. I feel so sorry for his family. they think he has a boy but not even a gram of masculinity.... 4 videos sent to admin... Let's examine the videos together. 1. The video is a complete scam. a) Those who know me know that I usually start a role by texting. This Video does not show screen for almost 35 - 40 seconds. b) -s- Tammy knows very well. A subject like this I lived with it. After the Medic revived me, he started shooting. He also killed the Medic. He said that when he said I would complain, he was caught in fire and there would be no punishment. I also have a fight with "| IRA] My dog kills huns" in this Video. He was caught in between. (Crossfire) immoral, dishonest, dishonorable man... You are not ashamed of complaining with this video.. Let's come to the second video 2. you are so big dishonest..... You're missing 30 seconds in this video.. You can't fool me with that retarded mind. but congratulations. You tricked the admin. Look, I'll give you an example from myself. Reply to report # 134958 from Hurricane. Hurricane Says: " We cannot process this player report due to insufficient evidence. You are missing about 30 secs of the clip up until u died I would need to see that 30 sec. Hey dishonest!! I remind you of a rule .. In the future be sure to have at least 5 minutes of video prior to shooting or dying/getting tased as this allows us to see what happened and to know if there was in fact any RP done leading up to the incident. Keep in mind we allow a 5 minute window for RP and this is why we require at least 5 minutes of video. let's come to the third video 3. I know you are calling me in this video. I wish you showed your Message Box too.. You think you are so smart ! you are the idiot.. You studied well but you're missing 8 seconds again. congratulate again. Because you can fool the admin. Let's come to the last video 4. it's so funny. I could not see anything for 4.40 minutes. Has anyone seen, friends? Or is this immoral, dishonorable, dishonest, characterless actor deceiving us? Hey dishonest, immoral, dishonorable, characterless person.. I am a much better player than you. accept this. also there is something I want to tell you. "There ain't no shit from you" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friends. Thank you all very much. Many Greetings to Everyone Who Loves Me, Who Doesn't Love Me. Take good care of yourself. Unfortunately, Justice died today.
  9. thank you. We want to greet everyone in Kavala with the 20-man Turkish Army at the weekend. I wish you didn't care if you didn't write and show
  10. Revenge


    Why are my reports not being looked at ??
  11. I helped everyone who helped. I greeted those who gave hi. I did not do anything wrong to anyone. how many thousand gamer are in olympos, only you and gang are a devil. keep your information to yourself. There are so many players that I will get the necessary information. this could never be you and your gang.
  12. SPBojo I was banned for 7 days for the meta . on what basis you say 14 days? How many days do you how decide that I will be suspended? How can you interfere with management and decisions made? Are you trying to direct management ?
  13. SPBojo I accept what I do. I didn't crush anyone for no reason. If he was crushed he did something to deserve
  14. you dream a lot I did not forget that SPBojo
  15. actually should be, banning players like you indefinitely.. because you don't do anything other than blacken the server we'll meet Again Someone from the "Olympus Fallen" gang should come and tell you what happened.
  16. I have read it many times.. Bruh I did not violate all written rules Rdm and the latest Meta .
  17. Bruh, People can make 3-4 mistakes when they fight with the big server alone. Learning from every mistake that counts.
  18. Do you know who your bitch is a man? You're such a bitch Austin or lnvs ..
  19. Maybe My Personal information?
  20. What happened? Do You Have Fears?
  21. What are you saying ? Who will I get permission from ? I was suspended for 7 days for Meta. That's all. 7 days pass, I'll hit you again. Don't try to take the matter elsewhere. The only person I'll take permission will be your Father
  22. no. I'm testing my memory. Aren't you an Ipod gang? Ipod Mini, ipod tuch, ipod xxx
  23. I haven't met you in a few weeks. last in my mind, oil processing, you shot the vehicle and killed Vigi. You took me from the vehicle and robbed. You picked up oil tankers. You told me to run and you shot from behind. Other than that, nothing comes to my mind. If you post the video, we'll see it all together.. I'm looking forward to also, Which of yo studying information technology and cyber security? Name is Austin and living in Seattle
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