I don't know where to start, but it would be better to start from the beginning. We are all part of the Olympus Family, we can speak without shame. At least I can talk. No problem for me. Maybe it would be more appropriate to talk about Ban Appeal.
I made my first participation here 2 years ago. I gave 1320 hours of my time. And I met you for the first time today. I don't know you. we never had a conversation. Frankly, I didn't even care. Likewise, you don't know me either. We didn't even say hello to each other once.
You banned me for 2 days for exploitation.. While I was thinking about where and how I did it, I opened a ban appeal issue.
I prepared nearly 300 reports in 2 years. None of you have a decision. You are not interested. Today you banned me for 2 days based on My Own reporting Video. Do not understand that I always do it this way. Normally I always go upstairs. I still do think it's not exploiting. It is necessary to go to NPC for medical support. Because the Doctor wants to see the patient in front of him.
You wrote me a reply. I just copy and paste. Let our family see. "You need to actually be in the room where the NPC is while accessing the shop, just because you can access it from outside the building doesn't mean you should."
I wouldn't have thought it would qualify as Exploitation. I know exactly what exploitation is. I have read the Server Rules from start to finish 3 times. " It is forbidden to shop at black market entrances. You definitely need to go upstairs and enter the room." I've never seen a rule like this. I had told you. I repeat now. Your intention is to ban me. Let's ask everyone. Let's do a poll. Nobody gets banned for 2 days.
You are the Administrator, you are not on this mission to punish us. You have been chosen to Correct our wrongs and show the truth. I respect all other Mod and Admin Friends. Because they didn't choose Easy. They couldn't ban me by pressing 2 buttons. They are talk to me. They told me that I was wrong. They showed the right thing. They were interested. They greeted. Give management to a 15-year-old child. He never chooses easy like you. Losing a Player is very simple. You look for the smallest mistake and get him banned. The important thing is to win the player. If I was in the game, you kick me and want me to come to teamspeak or Discord. We used to talk. I knew that what I did was a rule mistake and I wouldn't repeat it.
when managing a company, or managing a City, Country or a Football Team. there is a system. There are laws that protect the system, there are authorities that enforce the laws. The laws are not to punish us, but to provide a just and peaceful environment. The most important thing is the Intention of the Managers.
admin kamikaze,
You also made your nickname "kamikaze". I just realized how well you look. You know that you will die while killing.
You are only in your early 20s. Maybe even smaller. You can be an admin, you will be respectful to every member of this family. Just like everyone else is to you. Your speaking style is not pleasant. Don't speak to anyone here in the same manner as you spoke to me. You'll be upside down in 1 -2 day.
"The reason I didn't speak with you prior to banning you is because, I don't have to"
Who do you think you are? What are these gestures of yours? I don't care if you lift the ban. I don't care about you. I understand you very well. Do not worry.
"seeing as you have been banned 17 times in the past 6 months I believe you should know the rules by now."
Here you go. Extract them all in detail here. I am ready for everything. I can do my defense too. No lies. Complete. And Rightly... How Will You Defend Yourself? I think think about it. I do not know you. I've never been in contact. You fulfilled someone's request. by calling my little mistake and banning it instantly. Or you and I somehow met somewhere. And I was interested in you. You couldn't download me and that was a problem for you? I can't think of anything else. There is no explanation because
You are really joking. Try to catch people who make Rdm over and over with Scprits they buy for $20 every day. It happened yesterday, it happened the day before. RDm'ers come in every day. You do not need to wait for a report from us. There's someone I'll never take for granted. KING. He's already gone too.
I forbid you my right. They will soon realize that you do not deserve to be in that position. You will be thrown into a corner. You will be forgotten. Nobody will remember you. Worst case, they'll swear at you when they Remember Me...
I made a video. I want to put it here too.
I am comfortable. My heart is clean. The Story of Those with Pure Hearts Ends with a Happy Ending.