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Everything posted by Revenge

  1. I am Muslim. Islam is perfect. but I am Not. İf I make mistake, blame me. but not my Religion. Study Islam, not Muslims.
  2. @ buckie You Are Really Great Ignorance. First of all, let me tell you, Believe me, In real life, do not use these words in front of Muslims. Don't even think about it with the Turks. You can guess what will happen to you. And there will never be sadness in their hearts because of it. I will give some information for my other friends who are reading this. The Seljuk State is defeating the Byzantine Empire. Thus, Anatolia becomes the Turkish Homeland. The domination of Jerusalem passed to the Muslims. The Byzantine emperor asks for help from the European States. The Crusader Army of 600K was assembled. Their aim is to take back Jerusalem. You brag that it's your favorite battle, but you haven't had another victories. You have organized 8 war in total. You just won on the first one. The Crusader Army not only shed the blood of Muslims, but also slaughtered thousands of Jews. Finally , You won the war. But don't forget that we killed 550k of your soldiers. Ps: I gave a short summary. Please do your research with its causes, experiences and results. come on bro Look Dude, we have 2 choices. 1. You had attractive a Bounty. 2. You were the one who started the first Fire. Everyone knows that I don't ruin anyone's day for no reason. If I killed someone, they hurt me. bro, I hope you make a lot of money. I have a question for you. Where Do You Get Them I Do RDM?
  3. I like your gang name. I remember we erased you from history in 1453. Actually, you shouldn't be angry. Because by finishing your middle ages, we introduced the world to the New Age.
  4. I'm listening to 2pac. Really I have admiration for him too much . He is a true Legend.. He summed it all up so well in one Sentence. "The american dream wasn't meant for me, cause lady liberty's a hypocrite" So; What do you want from me? What Problem Do You Have With Me? Is my being a Muslim bothering you? Or is it because I have Turkish blood in my veins? Come on, Let's Talk...
  5. Edit: translation error @ anti Your Words Won't Hurt Me. It can't be annoying. You are free.
  6. Fuck! I'll Dress You In A Clown Costume And Take You Around Kavala Once we become friends, we always remain friends...
  7. I told you not to come to My Topic. Now fuck off. I Fuck Your Blood and Soul. If we meet in real life, you would kneel before me. Motherfucker What a cheesy man you are. You must be your mother's illegitimate child. Fuck off. Don't come to my Page. Do not write to the Topics I opened. Block me if possible. fuck off
  8. @ Murder Taxi Driver Man, I'll explain it in a way you can understand. I'm not cheating. I am not using software. Only I do get banned for not climbing the fucking ladder. Now I will give you real examples of Exploiting. 1- Leaving the Locked House 2- Hiding in the Fallen Tree Hollow 3- Making Trees Invisible by Adjusting the Graphics Card 4 - DPI İs exploit ( Video is Example) 5- Looking Across the Wall These are strictly to exploit the bugs of the Game. If done, punishment should be given. @ Murder Taxi Driver What you Say ? Exploit means; “to use something to one’s own advantage” Oh right, Now Tell me.. What a Benefit I Created By Not Going Up The Stairs? in my opinion, this is exploitation or not exploitation still debatable. Well, I put everything aside and admit that I made a mistake. Is this the punishment? I stand behind my words. It is a punishment given with malicious intent. He has done a great injustice. I am Immaculate in my own conscience. I leave him to his own conscience @ Farrell You Can't Get Rid of Deleting Your Message. You insulted my country. But you don't stand by what you say. If You Do This, we will know that your mother did not give birth to you, that she absolutely took a shit.
  9. @ Farrell What do you know about turkey ? Why did you say this? Can you give us some information about Turkey? If you said this for me, you are really far from the Server. It would be best if you continue as a Regular Member. I submitted 40 reports in the last 3 days. Am I special? I didn't understand anything you said. Do not make typos so that it can be translated properly. Dear Very Hungry 1st World Country Child
  10. Thanks Boss, I won't open. His reputation was tarnished. At least the everyone should not end his Respect.
  11. Good catch my friend. Those Who Jumped On The Burger Those Who Climb to the Roof of the Casino Don't Send to Jail, behind the walls of Vigilante Outpost Harvesting in the field with guns or binoculars .. @ Kamikaze Wrong decision. But I will not request a Manager. How will you look at us if it is accepted and my ban is terminated?
  12. @ Rocco from maintenance Well done! you are in the right direction but Change Your Style. @ Tarquanda adamsın
  13. I don't know where to start, but it would be better to start from the beginning. We are all part of the Olympus Family, we can speak without shame. At least I can talk. No problem for me. Maybe it would be more appropriate to talk about Ban Appeal. I made my first participation here 2 years ago. I gave 1320 hours of my time. And I met you for the first time today. I don't know you. we never had a conversation. Frankly, I didn't even care. Likewise, you don't know me either. We didn't even say hello to each other once. You banned me for 2 days for exploitation.. While I was thinking about where and how I did it, I opened a ban appeal issue. I prepared nearly 300 reports in 2 years. None of you have a decision. You are not interested. Today you banned me for 2 days based on My Own reporting Video. Do not understand that I always do it this way. Normally I always go upstairs. I still do think it's not exploiting. It is necessary to go to NPC for medical support. Because the Doctor wants to see the patient in front of him. https://i.gyazo.com/b7ec3b0f5ca172e4445f701bdddc743e.mp4 You wrote me a reply. I just copy and paste. Let our family see. "You need to actually be in the room where the NPC is while accessing the shop, just because you can access it from outside the building doesn't mean you should." I wouldn't have thought it would qualify as Exploitation. I know exactly what exploitation is. I have read the Server Rules from start to finish 3 times. " It is forbidden to shop at black market entrances. You definitely need to go upstairs and enter the room." I've never seen a rule like this. I had told you. I repeat now. Your intention is to ban me. Let's ask everyone. Let's do a poll. Nobody gets banned for 2 days. You are the Administrator, you are not on this mission to punish us. You have been chosen to Correct our wrongs and show the truth. I respect all other Mod and Admin Friends. Because they didn't choose Easy. They couldn't ban me by pressing 2 buttons. They are talk to me. They told me that I was wrong. They showed the right thing. They were interested. They greeted. Give management to a 15-year-old child. He never chooses easy like you. Losing a Player is very simple. You look for the smallest mistake and get him banned. The important thing is to win the player. If I was in the game, you kick me and want me to come to teamspeak or Discord. We used to talk. I knew that what I did was a rule mistake and I wouldn't repeat it. when managing a company, or managing a City, Country or a Football Team. there is a system. There are laws that protect the system, there are authorities that enforce the laws. The laws are not to punish us, but to provide a just and peaceful environment. The most important thing is the Intention of the Managers. admin kamikaze, You also made your nickname "kamikaze". I just realized how well you look. You know that you will die while killing. You are only in your early 20s. Maybe even smaller. You can be an admin, you will be respectful to every member of this family. Just like everyone else is to you. Your speaking style is not pleasant. Don't speak to anyone here in the same manner as you spoke to me. You'll be upside down in 1 -2 day. "The reason I didn't speak with you prior to banning you is because, I don't have to" Who do you think you are? What are these gestures of yours? I don't care if you lift the ban. I don't care about you. I understand you very well. Do not worry. "seeing as you have been banned 17 times in the past 6 months I believe you should know the rules by now." Here you go. Extract them all in detail here. I am ready for everything. I can do my defense too. No lies. Complete. And Rightly... How Will You Defend Yourself? I think think about it. I do not know you. I've never been in contact. You fulfilled someone's request. by calling my little mistake and banning it instantly. Or you and I somehow met somewhere. And I was interested in you. You couldn't download me and that was a problem for you? I can't think of anything else. There is no explanation because You are really joking. Try to catch people who make Rdm over and over with Scprits they buy for $20 every day. It happened yesterday, it happened the day before. RDm'ers come in every day. You do not need to wait for a report from us. There's someone I'll never take for granted. KING. He's already gone too. kamikaze I forbid you my right. They will soon realize that you do not deserve to be in that position. You will be thrown into a corner. You will be forgotten. Nobody will remember you. Worst case, they'll swear at you when they Remember Me... I made a video. I want to put it here too. I am comfortable. My heart is clean. The Story of Those with Pure Hearts Ends with a Happy Ending.
  14. motherfuckers @ Tobubas Did you curse the Fraali? Do you know what answer I got when I reported that video? -fraali says;" Player has been dealt with the appropriate administrative action. Please be sure to leave any proof you have submitted up for at least 2 weeks in case we need it for further review. Thank you for the report." don't talk your ass..
  15. don't be silly dude, I only have 1000 murders from there
  16. İsim : swagtron3000 çete : armada Personel Adı : xlax Kendine güvenemediği için "GOD ON" Modu ile oynuyor. Bu Çete, insanların Cabal gibi oyundan aldığı zevki bozmaktan başka bir şey yapmıyor.
  17. 4doorsMoreWhores   if you change your name or gender, I will find you. And I'll blast a Titan in your ass

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      I think it’s probably that someone was using that name on the server and called him a paki or something. Probably has nothing to do with Kyle.

    3. Revenge


      Understood Boss 👍👍     

      Now look for the hole to escape  4doorsMoreWhores  😈


    4. Raquese
  18. 4doorsMoreWhores    Know that , I am  Just a breath away ...

    1. Regal


      Be careful he is known to be strapped

    2. Revenge


      Boss, can i tell you something?     

      I say with all my heart,  There is no reward for what he did.  if i were in america,  I would bring this topic to real life.  

      But I won't tell.

  19. 26 reports in 1.5 days.  You're amazing motherfuckers 😁  

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      What’s more crazy is that you have submitted that many in a short period of time. 

    2. Revenge


      Is this an offer to become a Staff?  @ ThatNerdyGuy  

  20. Justice is over for me today. There were very good people I knew. but I've also seen dishonest immoral players. I've seen a lot of beginners but I also saw those who thought they were the best with the software they bought for 20 dollars. a bunch of viles.... to the Administration Don't sell your personality for money. For fair long life, treat everyone equally. To the players When outnumbered, don't try to overwhelm anyone. Remember that he can catch you alone. Do not lose your equipment by going to the Cartel Zone. Because there will be someone using "AIMBOT" waiting for you. I have never used script. Whoever uses it god damn it. As of today, I will not be playing on Olmpus. Someone Should Henna On Your Ass
  21. My report was approved and administrative action was taken.  

    You can't play better than us with the software, mods, scripts you use.  It does nothing but break the players' taste.   You are cheating.  you are incapable There's no shit out of you.  Now Fuck You 🖕

  22. If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us. 👊

  23. I couldn't understand what sound it was. What is your opinion?
  24. I think those who say that the server is dead should delete their accounts and go away.  Nice idea👊

    1. proud


      compared to what the server used to be, its more then dead its fuckin mangled. but hey take our facts with a grain of salt bro ik all the staff are

    2. ferg


      They should get a job amirite!!!!!!

  25. Above vdm, even kamikaze
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