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Everything posted by Flux

  1. @ Clashingtin for LT fuck this drama #coup
  2. Flux

    WTB gear

  3. Flux

    WTB gear

    i got a lim taser for sale
  4. Flux

    WTS lim taser

    Tittle have 1x lim taser for sale
  5. Flux

    bye bye

    @Techatleast make casino 100% win-rate before you go
  6. kid thinks he did something when my whole reason to come on was to get ripped/blacklisted lmfaooooooo stay mad and shit at the game kid
  7. LMFAOOOO learn how to drop out of a frit so free, thanks for the fun soy boys.
  8. Title. Buying warpoints on mass for 13K a piece.
  9. +1 same
  10. @Ryan
  11. +1 make APD escort KOS for CIVS vs CIVS within the blue zone / interfering with the escort. @Winters@ThatNerdyGuy
  12. Flux

    mark 10

    ah yes the mark 10
  13. If its peninsula cap PC is the Cap being taken don't need a text from a CIV
  14. Flux


    ON GOD. just sits in water for 12 hour sessions at a time its unreal.
  15. wait lemme get this straight the person who sits in KAV all day with their RDM gang is talking shit about caps. Anyone from your gang that pushes caps get wiped. Stick to doing what you do best which is sitting in Kav and bitching. Been playing for a month and have never seen silla hold a single cap. Turn your brain on.
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