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Joe dirt

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Everything posted by Joe dirt

  1. HAHAHAH when you pull the real life card at least 20 times on a stupid forums post youre clearly living yours on the forums. go lick broski's cock again phaggot LMFAOOOOOOOO put that boy on a tshirt HAHAHAHA
  2. stop sucking the soul out of the forums
  3. Joe dirt

    WTB 5c

    buy my feet pics
  4. cmon people sell more stuff, this section is snoozing
  5. @ Ryan help a brotha out and add to his hawk collection xD
  6. known scammer
  7. 18
  8. johnbeard doesnt even own that lmao
  9. 22m
  10. youre lying
  11. known scammer
  12. you have 11 grand to your name HAHAHAHA
  13. 9mill HAHAHAHA keep dreaming
  14. eat brown rocks youre a gimp you hush retard
  15. i got rpk offer?
  16. 35
  17. Joe dirt

    selling ghawk

    im the retard but ur broke ass doesnt wanna pay a listing or transfer fee HAH just get good at the game yawn
  18. Joe dirt

    selling ghawk

    transfer fee? yeah nice scam bud transfer fee? yeah nice scam bud put it on ah like every other normal person
  19. false accusations are wild. i can vouch. hush lil guy
  20. Joe dirt

    selling huron

    already bought it, gotta be quicker than that
  21. bro thinks hes gonna find a ghawk for less than 35 mill nowadays LOLOOL
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