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Everything posted by stocks

  1. like i said, APD are cucks. ALSO a great tip, learn the server rules, you can make money literally just disputing people all day who break the rules, Rules apply for APD as well..
  2. APD is power hungry dicks Rnr is pretty chill and Laid back Civilian life sucks unless you play with a gang. The game is sometimes called rdm simulator, it will happen multiple times to you, always be recording. Use obs or medal
  3. Anyone who does not believe this man should fuck around and find out lmfao.
  4. As the name implies, The gang now offers contract helicopter services. Helicopter scouting - scouts for your party while doing runs and alerts you if any incoming threat Helicopter Armed Guard - defensive helicopter who will protect you with guns Helicopter for the rich fucks - we will defend you and your party as best we can, even if it means vdming someone(you will pay for the comp) Serious inquiries only Message Stocks9169 on discord or Stockoptions97 in game
  5. Johnny Walker double black whiskey
  6. Us diplo is the friendliest player on the server you are just trash
  7. Nothing like giving away some guns to a bunch of people on rdm simulator... No better way I'd like to spend my day... Rdm? No it's a fun giveaway.. gun giveaway .. eat lead and receive this can of whoop ass
  8. 500k each bring cash and meet me at my house
  9. If someone withdrawal their player report and wants someone unbanned it means unban not reduce.

    1. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Maybe resolve it before you get banned? Or just don’t break rules that’s a tuff one.

    2. virus


      just remove the evidence

    3. doubleueyeceekay


      virus with the true advice

  10. i drop my offer to 3.2m due to getting robbed
  11. 10m. Final offer. Overpriced ASF but I need it.
  12. 3m
  13. 2.5m
  14. Ok new bid, 2.2m
  15. I start the bid at 1m.
  16. Hello fellow citizens of altis, my name is stock and i am a financier. I currently am buying up plenty of the houses on the market, if you have your eyes on a house but cannot afford it just yet give me a shout, im willing to buy it and hold it for you for a small finance fee OR im willing to rent the house to you for a period of 7-30 days. Message me Stocks9169 on Discord OR Stockoptions97 in game OR Stocks here on forums This is a serious post, apparently its a struggle for players especially newer players to come up with a few million to buy a house. Solution = Simple Rent a house from stocks property brokerage!! we've prime real estate currently available and plenty money to buy new properties. How does it work? 1. Finance a Property Thru Stocks Property Brokerage In this example, Say Player A has 500k. The house they want cost 2.25m Player A can come to Stocks Property Brokerage and get a "mortgage" Stocks will buy the house and give you keys to it, you put a down payment on the house (ranges anywhere from 10-50% of the property value) and you make payments Either Daily or Weekly. Stocks Property Brokerage Charges a Variable Interest Rate & Finance Charge. So For this example Player A Looking to finance said property for 2.25m can expect to pay 2.75m total price for the property. 500k Deposit and then the regular purchase price broken down into the terms Player A and Stocks Property Brokerage Discussed 2. Rent a Property Thru Stocks Property Brokerage Simple , We have various properties around altis. Each house will be only be rented and accessible by 1 Player and 1 Player only. This example Player A Rents a House from Stocks Fully Upgraded Storages + 4C = 250k daily rent or 1m Weekly. Stocks will provide keys to Player A to the selected property and when the rental period is over Stocks will Message player via discord or ingame to clear out all their possessions in the property before the keys get revoked. Player A Can also choose to Extend the Lease 3. Buy a Property From Stocks Property Brokerage When you buy a property we hold, we add your name and property to a list, in the future if you ever want to sell said property stocks will buy it as is for around the same price you purchased it at minus some interest and paperwork fees. This is mostly intended for newer players or players who struggle to get enough cash to buy a house. With the new housing update we're planning on buying up a bunch of these new properties so everyone has a chance to live in a home, Store their goods, take time doing their runs.
  17. I'm only able to read this shit til I get unbanned but rip your orca can I offer you a taru fuel instead
  18. Still up for sale!!! Inflation is real. What you thought was a dollar is now more like 3 dollars. Supply and Demand, There are no good 4c available in good spots anymore, 15m is a great price
  19. +1
  20. As the title says, i own the house next to pygros vigilante outpost, its 4C , Fully Upgraded Virtual & Physical Storages , Includes Oil Storage As Well, Nice 2 Story White House, Plenty of Space To Raise A Family, Fenced in, Great Parking, less than 30 seconds from Vigi Garage, Great For People who like to do cement also. OR a great place to shoot your heroin in a quiet neighborhood
  21. Fantastic, Great to see APD Giving back to the wonderful Olympus Community! Looks like the pigs are cutting some fat this year!
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