Hello fellow citizens of altis, my name is stock and i am a financier.
I currently am buying up plenty of the houses on the market, if you have your eyes on a house but cannot afford it just yet give me a shout, im willing to buy it and hold it for you for a small finance fee OR im willing to rent the house to you for a period of 7-30 days.
Message me Stocks9169 on Discord OR Stockoptions97 in game OR Stocks here on forums
This is a serious post, apparently its a struggle for players especially newer players to come up with a few million to buy a house.
Solution = Simple
Rent a house from stocks property brokerage!! we've prime real estate currently available and plenty money to buy new properties.
How does it work?
1. Finance a Property Thru Stocks Property Brokerage
In this example, Say Player A has 500k. The house they want cost 2.25m
Player A can come to Stocks Property Brokerage and get a "mortgage"
Stocks will buy the house and give you keys to it, you put a down payment on the house (ranges anywhere from 10-50% of the property value)
and you make payments Either Daily or Weekly.
Stocks Property Brokerage Charges a Variable Interest Rate & Finance Charge.
So For this example Player A Looking to finance said property for 2.25m can expect to pay 2.75m total price for the property. 500k Deposit and then the regular purchase price broken down into the terms Player A and Stocks Property Brokerage Discussed
2. Rent a Property Thru Stocks Property Brokerage
Simple , We have various properties around altis. Each house will be only be rented and accessible by 1 Player and 1 Player only.
This example Player A Rents a House from Stocks
Fully Upgraded Storages + 4C = 250k daily rent or 1m Weekly.
Stocks will provide keys to Player A to the selected property and when the rental period is over Stocks will Message player via discord or ingame to clear out all their possessions in the property before the keys get revoked. Player A Can also choose to Extend the Lease
3. Buy a Property From Stocks Property Brokerage
When you buy a property we hold, we add your name and property to a list, in the future if you ever want to sell said property stocks will buy it as is for around the same price you purchased it at minus some interest and paperwork fees.
This is mostly intended for newer players or players who struggle to get enough cash to buy a house.
With the new housing update we're planning on buying up a bunch of these new properties so everyone has a chance to live in a home, Store their goods, take time doing their runs.