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Olympus Plus
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Status Replies posted by Orbit

  1. heard sov got caught head first in a trash can! best news ive heard in 3 months!

    1. Orbit


      @ Millennium  aye they fucked me in the ass prior to leaving, when I finish MOS school I will come back and get it back.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. still waiting on olympus staff to unban mine friend @ CHEESE1

  3. we love arma

    1. Orbit


      you were already going slow, i was going 300 km/h. i’ll get better next time!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. I remember making @ Rexo  sing for sgt, now he is chief. How times have changed.

    1. Orbit


      god id sing for sgt with some better bars then that HAHA. jk this is golden.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. "Watch this be a status update" - Orbit 10/05/2024image.png.d64b095cc3423973002a563afdf48055.png


    @ Orbit

  6. Just so everyone knows if you want to break rules, force comp! You quite literally can’t get banned. 

    1. Orbit


      @ -Shawn-  breaking rules is breaking rules, regardless of the idea of comping, if I felt that a player was breaking rules solely to ruin gameplay I should have every right to submit a report and action be taken. I'm in no means telling you how to be staff member, but the context behind a situation is purely unseen in a report. The amount of mass disputing they do, plus the wide range of rules they break, and finally I take the time to submit a report and nothing happens? Sure in grey areas or true mistakes I understand refusing a ban, but when someone is BREAKING rules to break them there should be no issue rendering a ban.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. Just so everyone knows if you want to break rules, force comp! You quite literally can’t get banned. 

  8. 274e9f00920a471fbe6551c029efadf6.gif

    Hummingbirds eat Titans 

    1. Orbit


      you saved my heli ❤️

  9. When are we getting the updated stats for cops? Ghost hawk lethals, tases, etc?

    @ Toretto

  10. When are we getting the updated stats for cops? Ghost hawk lethals, tases, etc?

    @ Toretto

  11. Congrats @ Orbit !

    Congratulations @ KermitZooicide and @ Milo

    1. Orbit


      Thanks mom!

  12. Congrats @ Orbit

    1. Orbit


      Thanks my black prince

  13. Congrats @ Orbit !!!

    1. Orbit


      Thank you rich boy!

  14. Same shit different day.

    1. Orbit


      I'm coming for that stupid fucking blackfish you freaks. IM SO FUCKING GLAD YOU CAN LOAD A VIC IN 2 SECONDS!!! STRAIGHT TO THE MOON RIGHT???!?!?!?!?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. 👆 Whats up brother 


    1. Orbit


      i am in a forgein country on TOP SECRET KCE business; you should know this! 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. Getting CS gassed and a 16 mi. ruck tomorrow. Can't wait 🙂

  18. Just stumbled upon this old gem


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