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turbo D

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Everything posted by turbo D

  1. Not been playing much, appears the server is on its arse. Caloom clark is a fucking mod the little janitor. Bloke lives in a fucking caravan
  2. @ Darren Nsonowa and @ Metal both nonce kids. any more to add to the list? big john? shawn?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Metal
    3. buckie


      @ Metal Damn, I was down bad back then. Ah well, shit happens - Metal  


      good bye 

    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      17 & 19(allegedly) btw

      lit only legal in certain jurisdictions under certain circumstances but hes not a pedo !!!


  3. TNM. Too many soft cunt admins and simps who can't handle being called a fat cunt. @ nicole FATTY, whore. whats your favourite truck?
  4. fuck the apd and admins. worst gang on the server
  5. how much for empty fuel can and carrier light please
  6. stfu and send me the money
  7. how much each i have a few
  8. Bullshit, your a bitch nerd that simps little girls on the internet, there’s no way you go to the gym, most exercise you probably get is licking your monitor. RAT
  9. Orbits in the background but his stomach won’t let him get to his keyboard
  11. Dante has confirmed you can kill players that are not in the red zone if they are pretty close. I know where ill be camping now. Anyone that receives bans for this, message Dante and he will have them lifted.
  12. WOW, I didn't think the truck lizard would participate
  13. names john cheers for viewing
  14. PM me offers. https://imgur.com/iNWwZH4
  15. ill buy this!
  16. You was not scammed, if you were scammed I would have taken the lot back. You were turbo taxed.
  17. Any answers as to why teamplayers have 2 ranked 5 gang members?
  18. lmk what you have via pm or on here.
  19. can sell u smoke hunter, hm you paying
  20. updated list?
  21. Prices usually help
  22. Price for all stings?
  23. what do you offer?
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