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Bobby El Churro

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Everything posted by Bobby El Churro

  1. fick deine mutter
  2. your mom kurdish i am kurd fucker
  3. kurds is my enemy lol
  4. even metin2 rules good than olympus rules usa player not banned devre player perm banned
  5. brandyn is real bitch
  6. If you, as a infidel say this, I am voting for the right person.
  7. Before you put someone in jail, make sure you hold them for 14 minutes. After making him wait for 14 minutes and sending him to jail, you will steal 1 hour of the opponent player's time. Don't forget to use an eye patch during this time. To make sure it stays AFK. and constantly laugh at the opposing player to completely destroy his psyche, this will work. As a Vigilante player, I have conveyed all my experiences to you, no need to thank you, good luck. @ CowboySqueeze
  8. hahahaha freedom? Is it freedom to use people as slaves?
  9. so, american is not race There is no race called American everyone came to america from somewhere else
  10. you think your sister is goat?
  11. If you want to know this, buy a plane ticket for your blonde, blue-eyed sister to come to Turkey. big or small
  12. Merry christmas virgin olympus players

    1. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Said the man who plays 20+ hours a week

    2. Boovin


      merry allahmas bismillah el Chavo 

  13. @ -dante-  unbanned CATO

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. -dante-


      Also if I didnt ban someone for CL it was cuz they had counter evidence proving they didnt. We have been doing so well baba dont start this bias stuff again!

    3. Bobby El Churro
    4. Rexo


      Down with @ -dante- !  We shall hunt him down and bring him to justice.  Your days are numbered.. You will be caught and brought to justice for the crimes you have done! 

  14. why you are crybaby, i have too
  15. R.I.P randy
  16. @ JoeL  happy bday join 2015 augst u crazy

  17. @ Wezio rip
  18. @ xsmitherz  protect @ Lea

    1. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      please change your name you dont deserved xsmitherz name

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