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About joel1818

  • Birthday 05/19/1994

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  1. I challenge you guy's to crawl as you do the next podcast!
  2. Crawling video's are up!

  3. I don't know why I just did it OOOOOOOOOKAAAAAYYY. Hope y'all enjoy my crawling! Arma 3 Altis Life | Crawl from Sofia to Kavala Pt1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEddG4wgmGM Arma 3 Altis Life | Crawl from Sofia to Kavala Pt2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMGgayUYbxI Arma 3 Altis Life | Crawl from Sofia to Kavala Pt3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xseG1m30nG4 Arma 3 Altis Life | Crawl from Sofia to Kavala Pt4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaxysJRUU8I
  4. I actually prefer the pinkie finger...
  5. I promise I will still get the crawling video up guys. My computer really doesn't like to render 1hr 42min video so I'm doing it parts. It still doesn't like doing it in parts but i think it will work (I have to render just the last 2 parts). I was going to be done today but they called me into work on my off day.... I will have it up soon and I promise i'm crazy and actually did and finished it. :) Thanks guys!

    1. Fedot


      Hey This is what I Do Render 15 Minute Clips then Slip thenm together Via Windows movie maker

  6. I finished my crawl from Sofia to Kavala. Took about 8 hours. I'm rendering it all now with speed up in the video. The total video is about 1hr 24mins. I'm not planning on yall watching that much just check it out.

    1. joel1818


      It will be up hopefully later.

    2. Starkiller


      i almost shot you lol

    3. joel1818


      I'm glad you didn't. :)

  7. I will be crawling from Sofia to Kavala. If your interested in joining the CRAB FLEEK text me before reset. If not hopefully you'll protect me on my journey. THIS IS GOING TO BE ON SERVER 3 in 1hr

  8. How often does the stat page update? I have 4,740 mins on the server, but didn't have an account till Dec 30th. I'm sure I been playing longer than 7 hours that show's up on my stat page... hmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Poseidon


      It's possible a few peoples stats were reset due to a bug, but it's since been fixed and stat progress shouldn't be erased anymore.

    3. joel1818


      Yeah Hades the 78 hours are from playing Olympus. I have only played on Olympus and I never have idled. It's either playing on or off the game completely.

    4. joel1818


      Look at my Arma profile it's like 440mins something like that. It's not matching up with my game. (Because I only have played on olympus server.) Also I noticed that my stats didn't show up till like last week for some reason. Maybe I got glitched...? I just wanted to apply for R&R, but told that I lack the hours on the server.

  9. How many houses can you own?
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