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  1. best i can do is 230k and a few acid.
  2. someone buy this off me im to lazy to sell it
  3. Didn't the poll pass for you to leave? Why you still here? I agree tho needs a rework
  4. So are they just lowering everything because sapd doesn't play anymore and they wont remove ranks?
  5. You already knew people would vote yes for you to leave, the fact you made this post shows you're trying to milk as much attention as possible. Stop pretending and just hop back on the server because we all know you aint leaving.
  6. combat storing is combat storing.... comp that ghawk
  7. Mcdouble and a coke, sometimes if im really hungry i get a wrap as well
  8. Tbh should just migrate to discord, no point paying for TS
  9. Why not just play the game the way it's supposed to be played?
  10. If you are not good enough to win fights without abuse bugs then go back to cod. It's an unfair advantage.
  11. Ddosed

    WTB Tasers

    NGL kinda got a stroke reading those comments
  12. I'll offer 16m on it, at 25 id rather just buy the gang shed thats 400m away.
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