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Im KiD

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Everything posted by Im KiD

  1. Agreed. i do have one question for trump and his supporters. HOW? he has said the stuff he wants to do but how will he do it. you are very correct that it really depends on who he surrounds himself. his policies and statements are nothing but impossible. the bad thing about that is what will his supporters do when he does not fulfill his promises. will we be even more divided ?
  2. Politics are something that is very complex and everyone has many views and ideals on them. that being said i do have my opinions but will not share them as i do not find this a place to do so... however i will ask for one thing in the next upcoming months as i am seeing the begin of tears in the public as today i have seen protest across this country. I ask that we try to remember that we are all human, we breath the same air, we hate mondays and long for fridays. Around the country and the world we all watch and wait and hope for the best. I honestly do not see this as the end but just the beginning. there is only one constant thing in this world and that is Change. love you guys
  4. A7324DE5BCAF8EEEDD65BBF909DFB09C1F0C3424

    When i Drop DEM BARZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (this is from a hacker i do not nor do i affiliate with hackers) ((dont bane me plz)) 

  5. Im kinda salty because i got a SALTED coffee and all of the salt is in the bottom and now i have gone from drinking chocolate heavenly goodness to the tears of all the little kids in arma T_T  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Who the fuck puts salt in coffee? :DansGame:

    3. Im KiD

      Im KiD

      I put salt in coffee got to make life interesting u know try NEW things :)

      plus it taste pretty good IF U MIX IT WELL


    4. Fedot
  6. whats up guys its Medic opus Here and to make this simple and short because my MAC N CHEESE is getting cold i wanna trade sum olympus money for the Jinx star guardian skin If u play the League of Legends ( Aids ) game and wanna make this trade message me how much u would like for it thank you for ur time
  9. XD i had no idea maybe we can colab XD
  10. Hello everyone This is a fun little thing i put together to show the daily life of a ALTIS R&R Service Memeber This is me and my friend Steven. This is my BABY. ORCA 900-A | MEDICAL EDITION | ( real nice comfy chairs with GRADE A cup holders ) This is my lovely house with my wife in the picture. lots of room for ACTIVITIES SO i usually wake up with my wife, the furniture is future u cant see it but it's there. My wife and all her glory ( don't be jealous ) Sometimes We like to spice things up in the bedroom. Driving to work . no traffic today THANK GAWD Arriving to work Making Sure the staff are working hard. helping this citizen get his Aids pills AS SOON as i get my baby up in the air some GREAT PILOT goes in to land on the road .... he failed I meet My wife at her side job. Stopped for lunch. My boss did not like me stopping for my lunch date. Time to head back to work WORKING MY MAGIC. In all srs this takes a lot of work. I went to medical school for 6 years and spent 2 years in the Coast Guard. This is how cars are made. The things you see on the job always amaze me Altis Space Program Test#1 failed my wife going in for the REVIVE ( i taught her well ) My lovely wife in the view with me. My Boss Max saying hello to all the Altis citizens. (isn't he cute in his pajamas) My boss gives me a "pat on the back" for all the good work i did today Time to head home to my lovely Wife. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS : In The end i had this idea randomly not a lot of people on and i decided to just take pictures of what i was doing and throw them together for your viewing pleasure. Hope you enjoyed this bucket of photos and have a great day
  11. Hello im having a error on loading in like many others but as i was searching around for answers i found a hot fix that was posted on Reddit Original Link : https://www.reddit.com/r/ExileMod/comments/3hvz5q/bambi_creation_timeout/ And for any others who have the same problem as me here are some other sources i have found : http://www.exilemod.com/forums/topic/regarding-bambi-creation-timeout/ http://www.exilemod.com/forums/topic/bambi-creation-timeout-xamp-users-fix/ Good luck and Have Fun in Exile P.s. i am not responsible for anything you mess up
  12. so ready for this it looks amazing and if what you said about performance is true i might just waste my life over on that server im very excited that Olympus is bringing this so thank all who help in bringing this over
  13. OMG im ventilating, let me get this right Olympus is getting Exile ? i have questions : 1. is it free ( im a scrub ) 2. download how do i get it? 3. were can i get more info for this? if i see this correctly it has base building? Upgraded UI ? Trading? and the most important NO MORE FLIP PHONES AND BICYCLE RIDING
  14. dont know you that well but for the couple of times you have tazed me and ruined my day i will remember you XD have fun at school
  15. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtttttttttttttttttt im back it was very fun and i had so much fun THE DAY I RETURN OF HAVE A THROAT COLD but im back and will be playing arma woot alsooooooooo if anyone wants pictures or videos ill post ( will post anyway)
  16. Im KiD

    [NW] OpuS

    ._. but why ....... Also ive been in like every major gang in this server and the funny thing is you guys are all alike XD i enjoy my time with each gang im in
  17. Im KiD

    [NW] OpuS

    lol thank you everyone for the nice replies .... ( thought that i was really going to get some hate ) but nice to see the community is very friendly.. btw i play league and love imgur so if you do any of those tell me so you can FITE ME... p.s. |Odin| ssshhhhhhhhhh
  18. Pancakes and Sleep

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Lolz. I wasn't trying to bring the bans up, I was just trolling you.  Man you are way younger than me .  Come game on. Leave the support bit for a while ;) 

    3. SPBojo


      from my belives im done gaming, atleast for along time, cant be arsed anymore : P its not fun hah, and i know you didnt try to bring up the bans, but i find my bans ok to discuss, all i did was to basically RDM Mc or Former Mc members : P except from the APD abuse of course!

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Only to MC? Sir Bojo, you are fine in my book.  ;) lolz

  19. Im KiD

    [NW] OpuS

    What does qt 3.14 mean? THANKS Bubbaloo
  20. Im KiD

    [NW] OpuS

    Hi Guys I am OpuS um so stuff about me : I am 18 and male ( sup femme )I start college soon and about to start a internship in the government for IT network administrationI love long-boarding , video games , food , sleep and having a good time.My Favorite food is PIZZA and PANCAKESMy Favorite Color is : like a light green + light blue mix Arma : I have played arma for about a year now and have 555 hours in arma 3 ... ( I HAVE NO LIFE ) i have been in a lot of major gangs |shutout to these gangs| [TS] [MC] [L] [R] [Red+] and my current one |the best one| [NW] ... lol. I'm friendly and if your new to the server or just want to hangout on Olympus , chat me I'm always up because sleep is for the weak. besides my civilian who runs around and kills and derps around. I am a Medic .. i will save your life , I am also a APD Officer of the law .. if you do the crime you gonna pay the time. I really have a lot of fun on the server and really plan on staying for a long time ... if you are new and want some tips please come talk to me .. i don't bite .. unless your pizza or pancakes. And finally this is me :
  21. lol this battles was fun thanks for having me in this event
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