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Nick Carraway

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Criminal (2/7)



  1. as far as im concerned rexos been dealt a favor instead of everything being published on here for the common eye to see.
  2. well the fact is house was permed blacklisted from the apd.... 2 hours and 38 minutes into a private discord its suddenly a 14 day def some some shady shit. Everyone here cant deny the senior apd for being what the senior apd is. Nobody denies that senior rnr like kids. Almost every girl who was a senior or got senior apd has experienced something from their higher ups no doubt
  3. only og's understand the mudiwa lol
  4. fuck em both
  5. Where am i on this cocksmoking list hello???????
  6. they cost 5 warpoints u down that bad my guy?
  7. "in no offence, one of us probably has more hours then all the people in whatever gang you are in combined. stay up tho brotha im rooting for you." - Proud 2023

    1. proud


      facts yo this game came out when u were 4

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