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R&R Medic
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About dannyfrog87

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  1. why can people when your on cop and being processed not be like im getting this on my go pro how do you know my name after i was revived near the same guy killing me near the medic parking spot people sure as hell know how to kill the rp aspect of things or just like to troll especially when someone told you there he is and you explain they throw the whole "go pro" thing at you facepalm. on a positive note afternoon people hows it going?!

    1. FluffyTEDDY


      Some people will allways belive that they are in the right even when they are wrong, and try to scare you with the whole GOPRO thing, other people will just say it for shit and giggles cause they know it's not gonna stick ..

    2. dannyfrog87


      oh i told him that doesnt work with me and i carried on processing him one i was revived and 2 someone told me there he was the guy who killed me so a change of clothes stood for nothing. i told him i have a fed to respond to and basically he isnt getting off with it. some people just think you are stupid i suppose lol and try skirt things in any possibly way they can. i dont mind being lenient with people. if they was less of an asshole it wouldnt be an issue. but sometimes i just think they dont deserve any leeway or leniency so give them the smackdown of the law

    3. FluffyTEDDY


      hehehe :P I allways stand fast when i am 100 % sure that i am right, i don't scare easy 

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