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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by dannyfrog87

  1. right i remember you trolling lockpicking my offroad specifically as a joke. at least you didnt rob the thing. but "of course you wouldnt do that because its against server rules"
  2. you would know amongst other people .... you being one of them ....
  3. heres the thing i dont mind being medic but people take the piss or troll. or think its ok to shoot your vehicle tyres out or ram your heli because you are rdmed by someone who was shooting at someone else amongst a bunch of other idiot factors. and people constantly think they can talk shit or do what they want towards medics because we cant shoot back or defend ourselves .... and people when they request revive they more or less if not very often constantly disconnect to save there gear ive no idea why this hasnt been fixed yet. and on occasion idiots trying to lockpick your vehicles or threaten to. ive switched servers more often than not to avoid the morons in kavala trolling or shooting out your tyres im sure they know full well who they are. its the idiots who do shit like this might make it unplayable or a damn pet peeve for some
  4. one thing i noticed a great feature on here the ignore feature equals cant see anything from someone who is full of toxicity they try get a rise out of you. all the best people on olympus see you in a month or 2

  5. i need a break from olympus for a while im not quitting but. i just need to detach i do enjoy my roles or when i play. but the things that have been going on of late have me abit burnt out so il be taking a break from medic and cop i just feel doesnt matter what i do right or try help its thrown back in my face. the rp has been long gone i think for a while its just hands up or die i got you recorded ive been this ive been that "how do you know my name" to vehicles being rvded people generally being assholes so i dont need that toxicity constantly. i will be back though. some of you dont like me i know or how i am i dont care but just this shits gotten to much for now so il see you guys around sometime .... maybe be gone for a month or 2 i dont know. good luck to you all on olympus hope you enjoy it and dont get robbed too much lol .....
  6. morning world of olympus!:bender-dance::ph34r:

    1. Big B

      Big B

      Morning Danny


  7. yep me and a few other medics have mentioned this many times we need an extra spot as its ridiculous we only have one if there are 2 or 3 medics on ....
  8. shot my first hummingbird down on cop was fun and satisfying popped the engine then boom shot it to shit over the sea then down it went plummeted boom pilot dead. thanks to the other officers on the other bench also left bench op but other times im biased when shooting from the left lol

  9. you dont do it unless the guy who is dead requests it. it would be essentially stealing money from them. also if the guy is going to kill you if you do revive said guy. i would not revive him or text the apd for back up that way you can. also i sometimes get threatened to leave or they will shoot me which is another thing they cant make you do. just tell them you cant shoot me im not reviving him which happened to me last night. if there are no apd to assist id just drive away and tell him in side chat that you cannot revive him
  10. i have that verification code thing set up i suppose its steam guard? i get a code if anyone tries to log in to my email so i suppose im all good then ....
  11. hmmm i clicked one of these in ts but i was not logged into steam in my browser but i dont have csgo anyway. i did a scan on my pc after ive had no issues just yet and i dont actually have my credit card tied in just paypal and no unusual activity so i should be good hopefully ....
  12. you make one mistake or a few everyones all over it like flies on shit. but when you do things right or no errors no one notices. because im sure your all perfect and dont make errors in the things you do ....

    1. QKSILVR73


      LOL it happens. Look at what Mr Corey did to Thomas in the trucks LMAO

  13. lol what confused me was i got a tilda pop up on a guy called christoph so i was looking around for someone with that name and i was over tired been up since 8 pm in the evening till about 11 am lol. so by the time i did see him i was making my gun full auto didnt have chance to shoot so thats why i died
  14. hmmm i suppose didnt notice i just saw the memory crash fix and nvgs working while in cargo idk why they cant just put those in our build but it might cause other bugs. but it worked fine before they changed things oh well lol
  15. hmmm i didnt notice that yep they was unlighted the olympus servers. well thats bloody retarded idk why the didnt make those fixes for the builds we use .... sorry people i thought this would of been useful but i guess not after all i didnt test it just the notes seemed good for nvgs and the memory error
  16. here you go guys this has just been released appears to have some useful fixes but still for me to prevent the memory crash i still delete my dll files in arma 3 that way i know for sure no crashes new build or not with that memory error https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/183855-release-candidate-branch-announcements/?p=2901374 i downloaded it but have not tested it yet but im sure it will work as its supposed to for those who dont know how right click arma 3 go to properties betas opt in to betas use this code Arma3Update150RC / if it does not work just remove the / good luck hope it fixes some of your arma 3 problems on the servers
  17. im sorry to hear the news pink 2 people i knew had cancer not an easy time by any means keep your head up eh pink il be sure to destroy altis i mean save it with apd justice and my R and R skills
  18. passed my heavy responder flight test was fun would never of been able to land without auto hover and not crash so shout to isaac newton for being patient as i practice saw alot of mad action at the air field so thanks again for teaching me the ropes!!

    1. Big B

      Big B

      what is this auto hover you speak of?

    2. dannyfrog87


      lol idk you tell me ;) considering i didnt use it 

  19. that point where you literally have had enough and just think why bother carrying on? nothing will change. is it worth it? probably not some aspects but the cons outweigh the pros when your enjoyment is killed constantly. rp in alot of cases went out the window ive realised

  20. awesome server 2 went down and now is bugged at 46 players out of 80

  21. quick question how often to keep your position in the apd or R and R how often or how many hours do you have to play? im not going any where just being playing a few other games of late for a change of pace. il still be playing obviously

    1. Jorbis


      As long as you're still putting a decent amount of time in you'll have no issue. You can also submit an absence request stating that your playtime will be reduced for a bit.


    2. dannyfrog87


      ok thanks sounds good to me

  22. lol what did he do in the first place? ive no clue so yep ....
  23. time to play abit of arkham knight it was cheap but my word the tweaks i had to do to gain better fps. talk about a badly optimised game and i hate the motion blur but seems like a not so bad game so far ....

  24. yep it is and not always notice if we go half way across the map and then check they cant even wait till we get across the map. also i do it to help or drive to them just irritating to know they have no patience to wait. and this bug resurfaced where you get your gear back. ive noticed plenty of people disconnect to keep their gear and preserve it if they die. im not in it for the money having nearly 27 million as i grinded drug runs hard but it enables me to buy enough vehicles as a patrol officer when going about my duties same as medic. i prefer to revive someone get them up if i can but when they disconnect after requesting its a dick move ....
  25. i suppose it just gets old il check in future cellphone if they are still online. just had so many people doing it. it was ridiculous. just driving all that way and then disconnect sometimes when your on the way happens alot
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