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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by dannyfrog87

  1. not a case of making money its easy to make but some of us are from years and years ago .... server got wiped it wasnt the same when people came back even if alot did. server wouldnt survive a full wipe im telling you it would kill the whole playerbase no one would grind it out again ....
  2. didnt know him that well i remember him from back in the day when he was in BW at apd hq my condolences
  3. back in the day i started out on a quad bike im going back after the prewipe i did a cocaine run then got an offroad went from their did meth and mushrooms. but now theirs legal stuff and the market seems good so i would do that less risk sure you can be robbed. can always ask the apd for an escort or protection while you do your run if they are not busy. i protected someone not so long ago from being robbed so he could sell his legal stuff
  4. only a corporal or SR apd can load lethals. below that deputys and patrol officers are not allowed based on the third wave. only time pos can is with an sdar if your locked up in a house or unreachable ie on a roof only as a last resort when all else has failed or SR apd authorise us to use them. oh i also forgot. if you tase a cop and a corporal or higher is on they can load lethals
  5. so you want to rob a gas station or the cashbox and then run 30 meters mid process of robbing and expect it not to cancel and money be handed over so you can hide in a bush and have pretty much a free ride to not get tased and caught? plus i have been juked some how a guy managed to evade me at a gas station once ran out the back hid somewhere idk. its not always impossible to escape i think he got the cash as well. what your asking makes no sense. i roll up to gas station being robbed alarms going off no guy to be seen. guy sat in bush robbing from 30 meters away with what the power of his mind making the money float to him? i couldnt think of anything else to describe it. this is unrealistic just how would you rob it if 30 meters away if we are going down the logic and realism route here
  6. 800 k eh. well you could do some offroad runs of stuff or suv? small stuff work your way up? but if im ever on server 1 or you see me on a server send me a message il send you some. just if your doing the bigger stuff maybe do runs not at peak hours. depends if your in a gang or not lol
  7. how much money do you even have? serious question btw.
  8. yeah they vdmed you spangled you shot you before you could get up rdmed you. if you have shadow play upload the video to youtube and submit it. the admins will deal with it they are good with this kind of thing from my experience
  9. you are a proper dick for this doing this. i would not be surprised if this video was your own undoing and you got banned for harassment / trolling is my view on this considering you kept shooting him in the leg when he complied as well ... kinda harsh bullying the guy like that.
  10. heres some advice do small offroad runs? ok you could die. but i started out on a quadbike then upgraded to an offroad a long time ago .... ive been shot and killed lost a huron once .... things happen. lost orcas to blowing up not being able to land .... you learn from the experiences.
  11. you combat stored it. what do you expect? offering comp wont save you when in an active engagement and the guy was shooting at you to kill you. read the rules or think about what your doing? honestly.
  12. lower the quality maybe in game or view distance like rendering?? i found this now ive no idea if it will work honestly https://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/14/558752451154900119/ its about increasing your frames. I did read the comments it seems to work for some so you could try it? or this http://www.battleguns.net/forum/m/7737561/viewthread/6153624-arma-3-cpu-optimization-low-fps-fix good luck
  13. I have made my return to altis and the APD to destroy all with my sting. jokes aside. does anyone know if tilda actually works any more? or if it changed or anything seems it does not for me. same with switching to my po7 anyone any ideas for a fix?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dannyfrog87


      ok thanks i figured. i guess the tanoa update broke it or something?

    3. Dustin87


      It was kinda removed.

    4. dannyfrog87


      oh well thats new @Dustin87 im not sure why i cant switch to my po7 not that it matters might try make a new profile in arma see if it fixes it. if not well sting all the way better off using that anyway

  14. when will this update be rolled out to come into play i like the sound of tear gas though and the fact i can finally see medics on the map not just the circle star thing. nice job odin
  15. good your ego is out of this world your so up yourself from when you introduced yourself in the meeting. good for you boo boo stay stuck up your own ass good day "sir" to those who wished me well thanks i appreciate it. i rest my case though i come back to the forums or even this thread and some how its escalated into an aids fest with an unrelated subject how is beyond me anyway peace all
  16. im not here to whine this is all i have to say before anyone starts putting me down or talking shit i feel this needs to be said ive enjoyed my time on olympus i really have but lately it lacks luster all the server has become is mass rdm vdm "hands up or die" while on cop terror in kavala even before that it was mass rdm. i understand there is a rule set but we have to stick to them so accurately but civs dont rp it any more its just a shooting spree. and the aids fest that happens in teamspeak some apd members trying to push my buttons the bullshit when im on medic people lock picking my vehicles stealing them running me over. ramming me with hemmit fuels when afk i come back to being dead. the guy at kavala rescue who flew into me with his heli. the past month or so thats all thats happened rvd vdm ive lost track of when it doesnt happen. that being said i filled out absence forms because the toxicity level is to damn high. the list is endless of what goes on to the point ive lost track. its not how it used to be when i first joined olympus i actually enjoyed it but now its just everyone wants to fuck each other over in some ways or troll annoy other people on the server break rules you name it. it happens on a constant day to day basis. this is not to whine before anyone points that out but this what goes on is ridiculous. its not much different on medic either how people speak to you like your shit or they think they can because you cant shoot back or defend yourself or the same thing with stealing vehicles from medics. medic vehicles need to have a system where they can not be stolen. anyway thats irrelevant as im taking a break for how long ive no idea. i tried to just bear it and think it might change or people still not be like that but nah it wont maybe later sometime down the line. but i need to focus on life and not the toxicity of the community as it stands right now its literally an aids fest. that being said thanks to the people i played with and believe it or not im actually a patient guy but this is not enjoyable how it used to be that being said good luck guys have fun and peace out maybe see you on the flip side in the future or something and i know ive said it before im taking a break but i actually mean it this time ....
  17. that sucks but take care man i know how it is. anyway see you around.
  18. was a good fight with civs than the usual processing when patrolling it was fun :)B)

    1. Thomas


      Did you guys get tony and ghostface after I left

    2. dannyfrog87


      nah i was tired i got off not long after was fun though 

  19. shout out to the apd members who dont reply to you when on medic when you need a guy pulling out of his vehicle to revive him. and this is why us as medics need the ability to do that knock people out of vehicles i was waiting for a good 20 minutes almost with no response and the guy had to respawn. i guess no bounty isnt a priority to take time out of your day takes 10 seconds to reply to a message from me if that. so gg again apd.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dustin87


      I would right a witty response but its hard to read what you write without punctuation.

    3. dannyfrog87


      well you must be lacking a witty response then. if you was so smart dustin punctuation or not you would be able to interpret or understand what i said. just quit while your ahead or at least an attempt to be ahead dustin ....

    4. QKSILVR73


      I just drive around with my vehicle unlocked now. 

  20. in other news who gives a shit? im not favouring anyone here. all he said was gidgit spawned in it was a hq takeover and thats about it. i dont see an issue here. its not like he is going im recording this your getting banned or its fail rp. we won the hq takeover i dont even see what it matters tbh. the other officers shouldnt of spawned in after dying and if you wasnt involved why do you care? i was involved and i dont give a shit its not even a big deal ....
  21. Was a fun fight from outside of the frog factory tempest device rescued and then the hq takeover win and success. also i know alot of people are like oh Dannys a pussy Dannys a retard Dannys a this or that the other. well i enjoy the moment and if i am right i am how and who i am dont like it well im my own person i can be an intense person especially if i get in the moment its just my personality. Dannys a British fuck. I have heard it all before. and i am sure the rest of you are so perfect are you? before you call or insult others you might want to look in the mirror everyone has something that irritates people im a human not a robot. that all being said good fight guys at the HQ and win for the apd. as for the people saying im dumb. because I am sure you are all rocket scientists. now i know i talk alot or maybe to much. that being said i enjoy my time on olympus even with the shit talkers or people who dont really know me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ComradeGoonie


      I don't think anyone should be called dumb.


      That being said, I've only had a problem with your amount of complaining...you remind me of my dad. Everyone has a right to complain. If you stay under the Navy Seal rule of a max of five minutes complaining, you'll be right as rain in no time. :)



    3. dannyfrog87


      lol goonie. well i dont care anyway what they say. the people talking shit have nothing better to do i suppose. and this was from the apd last night in thomases twitch stream i went back watched the takeover video and saw all the twitch comments. i wasnt even complaining but i dont care about their opinion. im sure they are not any better. and i can get irritated all depends i suppose .... half of the time its just me talking. but then they dont know me so i dont give a fuck

    4. ComradeGoonie


      Bloody good, you'll show em!


  22. think of it logically its impossible to not have dna. maybe a more original story ive heard it more times than i can count. i have no dna or my dna switches constantly. you would not be able to survive if it switched so much. every being or person on the planet needs dna to live .... it doesnt matter what cops do to rp people still rage at you anyway ive encountered it plenty of times even reducing tickets .... it speaks for itself
  23. just delete the dll files in your arma 3 folder go to steamapps and that will fix the problem it does for most people tbh with you .... after each update the dll files come back so delete again ....
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