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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by dannyfrog87

  1. my word almost 9 hours on cop im so tired i dont even know lol was good though missed playing good to be back even with all the dying lol

  2. ok thanks i thought so rendering might not be such an issue or the speed of it when the new map comes out i hope not on my end
  3. ok client side is my side i take it? shouldnt be to bad then hopefully im sure my rig can handle it "fingers crossed" sounds good to me. it does seem at the moment as it stands even people with beast rigs and 2 gpus even get affected or higher end cpus than mine with fps drop
  4. the question is will this fix the frame issue or the desync issues? im from the uk and ive seen way more worse desync from some people from the us its incredible the desync also kinda scary at times when your aware of it people snapping back and what not or smashing into you and them being impervious to damage but you blow up or die be lucky if you survive. also does anyone know the fault of the fps issues with the map as it is or no?
  5. my word its good to be back and finally a working pc again

  6. ok got my pc permanently fixed system is a go all fans running im not sure this warrants a thread but this will be the last time i post a thread on this subject unless it spontaneously combusts as all is ok finally .... lol
  7. As I've no access to my arma 3 profile or steam so could an admin mark me down? Or apd staff I'd appreciate it Thanks jorbis I'm not having a good time of late this is getting me down but eh life goes on
  8. I can't fill it out I don't know what My in game id is I'm using my iPhone so nothing I can do really you know
  9. Well seems my pcs truely given up the ghost I've no more mental energy to give in trying I'm so burnt out so il be gone idk how long save for a new prebuilt rig I appreciate the patience of you guys mc the admins and apd r and r so I'd appreciate if I could be marked down for while I'm broke for now so gona be a depressing time ahead of me anyway il see you all around sometime
  10. ah the joys of having to set your hard drive to mbr as i couldnt activate windows spent that time formatting well windows is reinstalled "again" on a positive note new pc case should be here tomorrow hopefully

  11. why dont you go away. if you have got nothing good or constructive to say besides telling people to leave then maybe say nothing at all. you seem like a toxic individual from what ive seen so far ive no time for people like that
  12. thanks its good to be back!
  13. i know just need my perms back now in ts lol for cop and R and R its good to be back time to check i still own my houses or garage lol
  14. ok wasnt sure where to post this but ok im back some how the broken but new motherboard ive got some how works. only issue is all the fans in my pc case dont work but meh whatever enough of them do for it to keep cool. im saving up for an i7 because i dont think this pc will last forever no idea why it just decided to power up the motherboard. its good to be back.
  15. i am back by some miracle i got my pc working so reinstalling all my drivers steam redownload games etc im relieved to say the least now fingers crossed all goes well installing lol

  16. welcome to olympus enjoy your stay or how about leave the new guys be to get a foothold not drive them off the server
  17. sleep it off sober up bad things happen man i dont see my family im not 100% well either but shits been bad of late multiple things just gotta carry on i wont go into my problems point is i sleep feel better in the morning you should do the same and times are rough for me but i just get on with it theres times im like f*ck it cba but i dont let it or things beat me
  18. when i just thought it couldnt get any worse it does il see you guys on the servers a while from now or something idk ....

    1. Jorbis
    2. dannyfrog87


      yh thats how i feel they do say things come in 3s well shit eh i dont even know ....

    3. Jorbis


      Good luck man!

  19. what the .... i dont even know cant hit a none moving target lol @ hands up or die by 50 cal facepalm
  20. ok hopefully not but eh thats if i even have my houses when im back STILL waiting on my motherboard being delivered lol
  21. ok sounds good to me hope the fps can be resolved but if a full remake and scripting resolves it im all for it glad theres no wipe also
  22. ok well i hope not so it wont effect houses if the maps are redone?? me and im sure many others dont fancy grinding it out all over again im sure is all. and if it causes less fps drop sounds good to me even if i think thats a bohemia engine problem the fps issue when alots going on smoke or a ton of vehicles causing it
  23. i saw warfare on about redoing the map again for what reason though? so i assume this would mean another server wipe??
  24. that moment when your iphone 3gs runs better than xbox 360 internet be glad when my new board gets delivered i miss playing

  25. ok so new motherboard bought got almost all the same features as my old board then next payday cpu assuming it works ....

    1. dannyfrog87


      and 2 times as cheap but im not spending 156 on a board again lol

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