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About Franxx

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Olympus Plus
R&R Medic
APD Officer

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  1. dont got a light house u mean the one in pygros?
  2. selling 3 of my 5c's 1st one is a Wooden 3600 1100 (virutal upgraded cheap tax's) in-between coke field and BM 2nd one is the Pygros Police station by hospital looks into aegis GB/Rebel boat for titaning 3rd one is the Sofia Hotel by taxi station listed for 24m not upgraded hmu w offers for the first tw
  3. #region ban all of Europe

    1. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      europen player smart than usa players if ryan banned them all.

      olympus server will have only 10 IQ players

    2. ben-


      mashallah brother el chavo 

  4. +1 charges for radioactive already exist but apd has to add them manually and im sure a charge for moonshine could be made easily system is alr in place w drug dealer
  5. feds on cooldown perm untill further notice

  6. Nobody protects cob if you've been rdm and vdm'd just clip and ship it https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Evidence_Guidelines https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/How_to_Upload_Evidence
  7. I'd set it to private again and put it on public to see if it works if not you can always put a general inquiry on the support section of the forums
  8. listed at like 3 something each take em
  9. proof?
  10. ill give u more hmu in pms
  11. buy my 2c's
  12. see thats the thing its nothing like that + that actually is against the rules. All you had to do was hack Anti-Air offline without starting a federal event people do it all the time to bounty farm all you had to do was hack AA land a heli and take off before they repair aa
  13. Happy birthday @ Camper  !!

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