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Everything posted by D3V1L

  1. I don't have many except your constable test :c
  2. I think your ovaries popped.
  3. This is before I had to go outside to do stuff. No fluffy, it was not drug related q_q
  4. So basically selfies..? ILL PUT ONE UP IF GARY DOES IT FIRST
  5. Waiting on the first person to titan my ghosthawk :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      fly over by iron mines on server 2 you will get hit by about 10 (insert evil laughter)

    3. D3V1L
    4. SPBojo


      This is why i want the titan back.

  6. What for?
  7. Thank you gary for those naked pictures of your cat you sent me last week ;D

  8. I believe Zero is a cop IRL or security.
  9. I heard there was a plot to steal my kittens! WELL ILL LET YOU ALL KNOW THAT I SHALL DEFEND THEM WITH MY LIFE!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. D3V1L


      ERMERGERD!! /wrists

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      My house has been reinforced now. Apparently my insurance company went bankrupt so I gotta look after my own house now =(

    4. D3V1L


      So may I have my cats back :(?

  10. I've dated that type. In the long run it has never really worked out for me. TBH too much drama to be in a relationship. #simplelife I would just do what SniperMcRifle advised. Its the best way in my opinion to get to the bottom of things and reach a middle point :3 Good Luck!
  11. Counter Strike Global Offensive Nether DayZ Standalone Rust Arma 3 Killing Floor Just Cause 2 Dead Island Arma 2 FEAR 1&2&3 Garry's Mod Every other game I own I don't really play anymore on a constant basis
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