5:50 AM - Pringle Mccringleberry: shh it will all be over soon. said mccringleberry whispering into Devils ear. Devil looks at mccringleberry with a twinkle in his eye and butterflys in his stomach. and says "babe i dont want it to be over" Mccringleberry filled with joy slowly puts the potato covered in jell-o into devils anus. Devil lets out a shreak but it twas not a shreak of pain but a shreak of love. a love for mccringle<3 5:59 AM - Pringle Mccringleberry: It was a crisp october morning. the flowers were glooming and the residents of sunspring were awakening ready to start there morning routine. mccringleberry noticed a new neighbor moving in being the polite gentelmen he is he walked over and introduced himself. the man smiled and said his name was devil. an odd name for a man but mccringle didnt think much of this and continued his conversation. Devil told mccringle that he was a male adult film actor and specilized in meat spins. curious by the thought of what a meat spin is he asked devil if he could perform said meat spin. devil replyed with "well i would most certanily need your help to perform this task" mccringle obliged and followed devil into his house where they performed said meatspin. mccringle will always remember the moment of devil spinning around on his potato. like a ice skater in a perfect rotation. sadly devil died the next day of excessive anal trauma.The End 6:02 AM - Pringle Mccringleberry: mccringleberry noticed that a new pet shop was open and was anxious to get a pet bunny. so he went into the pet store and asked the store manager devil if he had any available. devil winking at mccringle and a little blush on his face brought him over to the bunny cages. mccringle picked a bunny up and named it stix as he was walking back to the register with his bunny in hand devil grabbed mccringles right butcheeck and than proceeded to the register. mccringle a little turned on started getting a boner to which devil replyed "oh my what a big cock you have" devil and mccringle went to the back of the store and participated in multiple sexual activities groaning and moaning. you could hear the fapping sounds of mccringles Potato against devils grand canyon. all the while bunny stix stared in horror