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FluffyTEDDY last won the day on October 30 2015

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About FluffyTEDDY

  • Birthday 11/03/1988

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  1. I don't know what to say anymore, seeing several SAPD talk so much shit to one person, even the COP being disrespectful, hell in my eyes that's an emberacment. i posted several times that the shit talk needed to stop and noone seemed to care, is that what this community is all about now? Talking so much shit that other people are scared to even come close to us?? 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      So you think it was justifiable to say what he said?

    3. FluffyTEDDY


      Nope, non of it is.. but unlike others i took it up with him in private instead of in full public view

    4. Nobli


      Which is why he quoted something about not saying words behind backs? Even you can see the irony in that. Oh and profiles aren't private obviously. That and I'm no fan of echo chambers.

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