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Everything posted by brodyunderwood1

  1. If you think that's what this is about you're completely missing the point. Calling a cop "money hungry" is one of the default reactions nowadays but if that's what you think this is about then you have clearly missed the point here or are blatantly ignorant.
  2. Use your brain and don't request where cops are gonna get you if you get revived. Your fault for requesting in the first place, not theirs for carrying it out. And what in the actual fuck is a "meta-revive". You must have some back asswards, completely fucked idea of what meta is, because what you described up there is NOT it.
  3. Congrats to all the new corps on the APD.  I'd be willing to bet there are as many active corporals as PO's and Deputies combined now :P

  4. These guys know their arresting procedures about as well as leif ericson did.
  5. lol the problem is who threatens total annihilation and death on someone then asks "ALRIGHT NOW I WANT $20 or YOU'RE GONNA GET IT." Who decides what is reasonable and what is unreasonable? it's all subjective. I'd say making them swim from one of the islands is reasonable because they live instead of die. others would call it unreasonable because of the amount of time it would take. It's too dangerous of a game to be playing. I'm not gonna risk one of the admins thinking my RP isn't reasonable if it's gonna get me banned, even if it would be really great and fun RP to do. Until there are more objective guidelines this is going to keep good RP from happening because people will be scared to try. and once there are more objective guidelines, they will be too strict to risk the good RP anyways, and all to save that one shitter from getting his quad stolen then killed by some other shitter with a rook.
  6. Never liked the idea of this rule in the first place. Someone kills my buddy, I don't want him to sit with his hands up for 5 minutes, I want the guy to die. I don't want anything out of him, don't want to rob him don't want to hold him for ransom. I just want the guy dead. Punishment for what he did. It's a RP server meaning we make things realistic. If someone in real life wanted someone else dead, they wouldn't text them about it, see the other people put their hands up and go "well damn i guess i can't do anything about it now." no. Within reasonable RP it doesn't make any sense NOT to let people kill someone who put their hands up. Especially if you don't threaten death from the beginning. After robbing is different. but as for people who surrender when they KNOW all you really want is to kill them... I say let them die.
  7. *gets proven completely wrong in a matter that was none of his business in the first place while trying to tell the Sr APD their business* *posts sarcastic gif to make it look like he's not an idiot*
  8. can we just go ahead and shut this one down before I start saying a whole lot of shit that'll get me banned/removed? I may not be able to resist this one and we all know it should get locked anyways.
  9. disagree. you look fly AF in a business suit brewsky and that's something not just anyone can pull off. Business suit = 1 Fly Ass Advantage
  10. Same kid you guys are referring too messaged me while i was in the middle of my Calculus homework earlier this week asking if I could interview him. I politely told him no I wasn't a high enough rank and asked him not to message me as I was busy and trying to focus because I had an exam the next day. He proceeds to message me 6 or 7 times that he has been messaging Sgts online and that none are responding, and he wanted me to message a Sgt for him. Soon enough I get fed up with him and so I message Cloak, the first Sgt. I saw online. Apparently the kid had been giving cloak hell too, but I asked cloak to please message him back if for no other reason than to keep him from disturbing me further. Cloak replies with "Brody can do your interview, you should probably message him." I didn't get anything done for the next 20-30 minutes.
  11. I see that both the APD and Civs have been given more of the exact same gear with different skins.

    I don't see how we are supposed to start branching away with different playstyles for each faction when neither side has distinct advantages and disadvantages applied.  In the name of keeping things "balanced" we don't dare just give one side something, then the other side something else.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. brodyunderwood1


      Agreed. Like I said, short term I agree with you 100%, but this is a long term subject in my opinion.

    3. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      You think I care if people like me or not. No. It's a game. People need to learn that. 

    4. QKSILVR73


      Did I hear Cops robbing Civs. See now this would be a good idea! Throw something into the mix. Good cop and the occasional bad cop. Of course it would have to be random. lets say six cops on and one bad one. Of course there would have to be a rule made for it. I don't know how one would decide who is good or bad. sorry though it was a good idea and totally different RP situations. Moving along now


  12. You know why these threads get "swept under the rug" 1. Half of them are bullshit. 2. The half (or possibly more) that aren't, still aren't handled properly. Record and report if there is an actual problem. don't bitch about it on the forums.
  13. This guy says "Cops can pull some random bullshit story out of their ass and get whatever they want" or something along those lines, but civs do the same thing and expect to get what they want. I can't tell you how many times i've heard "it's not a gun it's a ______" and if the civ doesn't get a full pardon the apd have "shit RP." and are getting reported. It's not some double standard. It's RP and it's the same expectation for everybody.
  14. hell dude, i can take a titan every now and then. I'm not a great pilot to say the least, ANYONE on the apd can back me up on that, but i can land when titaned sometimes. I'm scared shitless of those dead bodies, please, please god never send one of those things NEAR my vehicles lol. Dead bodies >>>>> titans
  15. here you go bubbaloo https://youtu.be/s5zNiAbsKfk
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