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Everything posted by Hellterskelt

  1. Did I miss something? Why the drastic population drop?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Poseidon


      weekday + before school lets out ;)

    3. Soapy Smith

      Soapy Smith

      Yeah and all the college kids are done with their winter breaks :)

    4. wrice4


      Perfect time to make money...to bad I'm at work.

  2. Cant seem to get any servers to work tonight. Connecting failed over and over. And so far none of the workarounds are working around...hmmmm

  3. Server 2 down? Is there a place to check status of servers and what the scheduled downtimes ect. are?

    1. Hellterskelt


      Scratch that found it in the forums. Didnt know they had actual links in there thought it was just server talk. Server 2 keeps jumpin off my favorites list.

    2. Hades


      We changed hardware for Server 2 so it might be a bit wonky to pull up in the Arma browser for a few days.

  4. So to even apply to APD you have to log 24 hours play time. How do I check server play time. I thought they meant Steam play time which I have 90 hours on. But got the reply to not apply until I have the hours.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hellterskelt


      Thank you very much Chaotix

    3. Wheatkings


      According to the system you have 1652 minutes on our servers. That should be more then enough to apply.

    4. Hellterskelt


      I may have been just under then when I applied and will try again. Ares just said not enough time so I wanted to specify. Thank you for your help as well. I complain about not having enough APD on during daytime play so I have to atleast apply before I can complain anymore.

  5. Please hire more APD/Medics for server 2.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hellterskelt


      I really enjoy the server I just wish people would abide by the rules. Especially in the mornings/early afternoon it is just RDM fest. I am sure there is many people who have applied to help out and I really hope it makes a difference.

    3. RogueMK


      im not flaming lol im stating facts :/

    4. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      I could state A LOT of facts about you and MC. But i'm not that Immature.

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