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Carrot Kid
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Blog Entries posted by Zahzi

  1. Zahzi

    Conquest Development
    Included changes from the January update (textures, hints, etc)- hotfix for that coming soon Added Service stations near all rebels on Malden & Tanoa "Safe Redeploy" is now at the bottom of the scroll options Logging in and spawning directly at a rebel will no longer void your protection Temporarily disabled problematic code that caused network lag spikes under load
  2. Zahzi

    Conquest Development
    Add Sahrani map Fix some map makers & angles Increase initial conquest pot to 17.5m Add garage fee to pull armed offroads/prowlers/qilin to discourage spamming aids All players receive dopamine when conquest ends Reduce delay between scheduled start time and actual start time  Reduce precap "warmup" timer to 5m from 10m Remove loadout loading progress bar Performance tweaks  
  3. Zahzi
    Conquest stats for kills, deaths, and captures Casino stats for money won, money lost, times gambled Notification when unlocking titles Namable Vehicles - $50+ Edit names of vehicles in your garage When impounded or seized name will display in global chat When claimed at chop shop name will transfer over. Experimental performance enhancements Should increase server and client performance and allow further incremental performance updates moving forward Respawn button confirmation in escape menu and respawn screen $15k "Titan Hit" charge added on a successful titan hit Prowler to Corporal+ APD Tarus Sling Taru to SGT+ Bench and Transport Taru to Lieutenant+ New Lieutenant+ Uniform 6.5 suppressors for Deputy Chief+ 75rnd AK-12 magazines for Lieutenant+ Lethal Injector item for $250k. Use on a dead body to force a respawn and delete their gear Orca price increased to 500k to encourage usage of weaker helis Drug dealer interrogation. APD can scrollwheel a drug dealer and retrieve a list of people who recently sold drugs Automatically adds the "drug trafficking" charge ($15k, gives PC) to recent sellers Texture Additions Neon Rider Hatchback [1] [2] Venom Ifrit [1] [2] [3] Altis Racer Hatchback [1] [2] Mudiwa's gang uniform Changed:
    Vehicle despawn script @Trimorphious is at it again! This time vehicles will despawn if left unused for 5-10 minutes Vehicles with inventory items will not despawn Vehicles marked through the y menu will not despawn Vehicles with players within 10m will not despawn Vest warpoint prices brought in line with real warpoint value Group counter at top of group y menu tab. Armed Plane Rework Now with a .50 cal gun Price increased to $2m $500k unarmed racing plane that can be upgraded to an armed plane at a service station German Skin update[1] [2] Combat store timer replaced with 30 second progress bar to aid cancer patient gang members at rebels APD at Airdrop Cops may now respond to aidrops - see rules here 3 minute progress bar to seize crate (once situation is called clear), rewards cops nearby with money depending on what items are in the crate. Forced lethals for all ranks Blackwater vehicle seizure price now 4m, 3m for armed prowlers Cop sync loadout button moved to cop weapon shop "Seize Objects" moved to bottom of scroll menmu APD Skin Reworks Police Hatchback [1] Police SUV [1] Police Offroad [1] Medics now receive $17,500 for risky revives in warzone and rebel outposts. Fixed:
    Supervisor+ now have access to EMT hats Cop virtual inventory no longer disappears when epi'd Flash grenade no longer takes off earplugs Panic button now updates location properly on 2nd press Sofia impound lot Red burger in Athira Various bugs Removed:
    APD Jeep (Armed and Unarmed) Warzone drug dealer Kavala HQ submarine Texture Removals Redgull Hatchback Taxi Hatchback Ninja Turtles Ifrit  
    Hotfix #1
    Lethal injection stat Houses bought through auction house Receiving dopamine from medic & npc simultaneously no longer bugs the medic Spamming slots no longer breaks it Armed planes no longer decide to become unarmed Adding vehicles to gang garages no longer removes mods Removed white lights from APD/R&R vehicles (less eye cancer) Jets no longer can spawn with bombs Readded Tayte's gang uniform Fixed various logs Added surfer cap to rebel Fixed Various errors @Trimorphious @Fraali @Tech @Horizon @raykazi @Solomon @n-a
    As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
    We made some significant changes to hopefully improve performance which resulted in many scripts being modified. There is very likely going to be a few issues that we didn't notice while testing. If you find anything wrong, please make a bug report so we can fix it in a hotfix.
  4. Zahzi
    Skate helmets for PO+ (see apd rule update) Flare gun to sgt+ GPS tracker to vigi shop Blackfoot to admin spawn menu ;r shortcut to reply to last message in chat HMG offroad with ballastic shield and red dot sight Small IED - 250k Large IED - 350k Green SPAR16 and SPAR16s to rebel Custom hex icons from giveaway ( @Thick Mans @evannnn @Flex Offender ) Ability to save multiple loadouts (3) Ability to heal legs with pure heroin (custom action 20) Automatic event entry system Moderator can enable when starting the event Players can join with ;ejoin and leave with ;eleave Map Impound lot to Neochori Hospital Extra gangsheds near warzone North warzone conquest sector Panagia conquest sector Two new vehicle spawns to East Arms rebel AA markers in federal events Another garage to Therisa Texture Added RnR gokart to staff RnR (green color, not blue) Added RnR fire suit to $250 donator, S&R+ Red hazmat suit to $50 donator, Money Heist. Noble gang uniform Changed:
    2 Helicopter spawns added to all APD HQs Minor changes to Air & Athira HQ to accommodate these changes 2 Helicopter spawns added to Pyrgos & Kavala Air Garage Additional Vehicle shop to Therisa Warzone drug dealer moved Spawn protection radius at conquest rebel is now 100m, second car pull at east arms is now safe Repairing a vehicle with a toolkit will now always fully repair the vehicle Can now use a service pad for vehicle repair for any vehicle you have keys to Updated login credits Carrier GL rig is now available in the sgt clothing shop Reverted cop lethal text (sapd don't like roleplay) War menu now stays open after cancelling wars Pharma payout from 135% to 150% Log improvements Price of repairing gangshed reduced to $1m Explosive charge pruce reduced from 325k to 190k Slam mine price reduced from 250k to 200k Contraband picking will now yield between 1-4 The chop shop closest to a conquest will now be locked until 5 minute after conquest ends Pharma sell price increased 15% for donation goal Deposit box force syncs player cash on withdrawal Can now spawn air/ground vehicles at rebel boat Rebel boat traveled north with the wind  Made @Slumberjack head coordinator Blackwater vehicles spawn with T4 Reduced medic slots to 12 Some walls at BW can be knocked down Texture Changed RnR hellcat Update Replaced "Lost Cause" hatchback with offwhite hatchback Tweaked Noble gang uniform Tweaked Vigilantes gang uniform Replaced green hummingbird/m90 with red camo Replaced Boba Fett Ifrit with Edge Lord Ifrit. Fixed:
    Exploit spot in Blackwater Enabled damage on various map objects Some script errors Loadout progress being cancelled on rebel boat Bug that set jail time to max at 1.3m instead of 2m Not being able to spawn at gang shed when logging in dead Spawning at a blown up gangshed should no longer put you on respawn island Instant spawn bug at conquest rebel Some causes for "black bar" or "hud bug" - this will still occur with some dialogs, but less frequently than before Betting exploit Hatchback spawning at a certain gangshed Taru flipping after being pulled Briefcases not being deleted after seizing the last item Betting stats not updating (stats will be retroactively updated) Black titles + script error Some pretty sick dupes Pharma markers + timer not disappearing when event is complete Removed:
    Hotfix #1
    All deaths in conquest will let the player respawn at the safe rebel (provided they have a weapon or get killed by another player) Fixed custom hex icons from giveaway (a couple were swapped) Fix killer name/gang not showing on death screen Fixed some map bugs Athira HQ heli spawns Pyrgos NPC Removed the castle at OG heroin Fixed @Slumberjack's director status Fix logging error when cop lethaling Update login credits Add bandolier to S&R for usage with the fireman suit Whitelist fireman suit for texture staff Recenter the "respawn available" text  
    Thanks to all the developers for their hard work this update! @Trimorphious @Horizon @Fraali @raykazi @Solomon
    As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
  5. Zahzi
    Medical drug dispensary in Pyrgos Hospital (sell drugs here) Kavala is a KOS zone (huge shoutout to this lad for the idea, go upvote him) Rebel desroyer to Kavala bay Bridge to Kavala HQ Another Boat to Kavala HQ Carrier to bottleneck rebel Big tower added to Kavala Square Floating house to Kavala Self defense P07 for RnR personnel  
    Medical NPCs are now armed Kavala Medical NPCs have been converted to rebel resistance Sofia Hospital has been converted to a medical gang hideout Pyrgos hospital has been converted into a tent Updated loading screen background (@thor) Updated CSAT uniform texture Updated cop hatchback textures Athira Rebel now has 4x the big towers!  
    Login credit titles  
     Kavala Vigi, fuck vigis  
    Thanks to the whole development & design staff, we have an early update this month! Special thanks to @Mr GOAT , @Ross_ for the brilliant ideas and  @Mako, @thor for the wonderful execution!
    As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
  6. Zahzi
    I've been working on completely rewriting the stats page (and life control), and after testing with staff/faction leads for and now have something ready for an initial release.
    You can access the new stats page here after signing in with steam.
    There is much more functionality planned for the future, but I wanted to get an initial version out to the community sooner (as there's more functionality than the existing stats page in some parts).
    There will probably be bugs/issues. If you find one, please submit a bug report.
    There are quite a few new/changed features, some notable ones here
    Top 50 allows sorting by (nearly) any stat - probably missed a few, but got most I think Factions page has been changed to a page for each faction Breakdown of each rank in the past 7 days and playtime for APD/R&R, some aggregate stats for civs Weekly MVPs based on playtime along with a couple other stats More top for each Federal event stats page Has aggregated stats from the past 30 days and the last 7 events and their outcome Note that these stats are not yet perfect, and differ a bit from the actual fed stats by a few % Conquest stats from the last conquest, and aggregate stats for gangs from the past week and all time Weekly ticket count table for senior admins Revamped player profile Bans tab that shows current ban information (and note from the banning mod with evidence if they left one) Houses tab that shows list of houses, when they expire, and who has keys (with links) Weekly ticket count table for staff on their profile with each category Profile table First join date (note that "the beginning" means around wipe, this is the furthest back that's recorded). Last seen indicates of a player is online, which faction/server Arrested shows how long the player is in jail if arrested Arrests broken into total arrests (since wipe) and vigi/cop arrests (since Bow's stats page) Show donation level Better indication if a player is APD/R&R whitelist Show staff/support/civ council whitelists instead of just administrative staff (if whitelisted) Revamped gang profile Some aggregate stats of members (total time, kills, balance) Ledger tab (for rank 3+) that shows gang balance actions Sheds tab that shows all gang sheds and when payment is due Overall, many of the tables are now searchable/sortable and more interactive A new API, if you're interested in accessing this for gang sheets or whatever, shoot me a PM with your use-case and we'll talk. This may be public in the future, but for now I'll be whitelisting accounts for those that want it to be closely monitored and prevent abuse. Should be quite a bit faster, but I'm still working on further performance enhancements  A bunch of other things, but 🤷‍♂️
  7. Zahzi
    @Civak @Trimorphious @grar21 @Horizon
    Conquest Currently an admin started event, will be automated in the future Spawns a warzone-like zone on the map with three capture points Initial pot of $5m, value of each loadout is added to the pot when a player dies in the zone Capture a point by scrolling the flag pole and staying with 15m for 45 seconds Every captured point adds 5 points to the score every 5 seconds First gang to 3k points "wins" Money is distributed to gang funds (will be direct to players in the future) based on # of cap points each involved gang had Dying in the zone with a aloadout allows spawn in "safe zone" rebel near zone (has 3 minute spawn delay after clicking respawn button) Safe zone protection wears off after leaving the area or shooting your gun Rules Warzone rules apply inside the conquest zone (no NLR, KOS, etc) Exception: Medics can be killed/titaned without engagement while in aerial vehicles Exception: Medics cannot drop dope crates Exception : The APD may pursue a suspect into the zone and call first wave backup, but may only open fire upon the fleeing suspects and other civilians directly engaging the officers  Exception: The APD may NOT return for a second wave Ability for admins to check house registration on civ Ability for admins to seize items on ground with delete key R&R money for impounding vehicles with windows key All civilian boats to rebel boat shop More vehicles to admin spawn menu for events Dope shot to APD shops Vermin to WPL for 40k "Staff to civilian" dispatch Day/no rain/no fog buttons to admin menu Vehicle finish New "gloss" finish Gold finish for $100 donors Pissing animation (shift+9) and public urination charge ($2500) Ability to claim APD hatchbacks Claiming them makes them have vandal skin Vandal skin can only be obtained via claiming now Cops can seize the vandal skin to return it to their garage Ability to repair gang sheds for $1.5m Map More lights to training dome Neochori courthouse ATM to bank ATM to Neochori hospital ATM to Rebel Boat Warzone Drug Dealer (no tax on selling drugs) More broken walls to Bank Map marker for event arena on salt falts Walls to Kavala Hospital Parking spots to Kavala Hospital  Blue edge lights to Kavala Hospital (For flight test) Textures Mystery machine Ifrit Bright yellow Ifrit Bright orange Ifrit Bright blue Ifrit Lime green Ifrit McOlympus Ifrit Cyber Hummingbird ($50 donor) Biohazard offroad Wasteland offroad (AT, .50 cal also) Altis Park comms offroad Gravedigger hunter ($100 donor) Asiimov Orca ($100 donor) Bape Orca Mello SUV (replacing Ion SUV) Playboy hatchback (replacing graffiti hatchback) Jap Zero armed plane P51 Mustang armed plane (replacing current "US" texture) OG hawk texture ($250 donor) Changed:
    Made sandman chief in game Boltcutters no longer show up as illegal if the player has a vigilante license War menu no longer closes when sending war request Reduced garage spam cooldown Speedbombs can now be attached to helis Updated staff on login credits Fixed spelling of "latest" when medics clear dispatch status Getting sent to jail no longer seizes your driver license APD can now break down doors while owner is offline, remove APD boltcutters Suicide vests can now be used at jail Stolen cop carryalls are invisible for civilians Players can now be unrestrained without a weapon via the windows key menu Bank Nerf Weight increased from 4 to 6 Reduced spawn to 75 bags per vault Can no longer put bags in helis Fed buff Decreased weight from 8 to 6 Increase max spawn to 400 bars Increased min spawn to 200 bars Increased min spawn based on # of cops online 15 cops -> 225 20 cops -> 250 25 cops -> 275 BW buff: reduced Blackwater to 20m Repairing planes will now never result in an orange engine Reduced chrome price to 150% purchase price tier Pharma changes Now 5.56+ to start Reduced timers by 30 seconds Can now pay gang shed rent a month in advance now Disable betting for players with less than 30 hours Double the price of apples and peaches Map Bottleneck Warzone Rebel: added second vehicle spawn and expanded size to accommodate second vehicle spawn Kavala Rebel rework Renamed Pyrgos Pharmaceutical to Altis Pharmaceutical Athira Vigi Boat rebel traveled south towards battle! (monthly rotate) Moved DP11 car spawner slightly Fixed:
    Fed event logs Obfuscated message for discounted purchases Logging in at rebel boat no longer kills you at bottleneck Lethaling bounties of 15m+ APD income for certain categories now properly adjusted Fonts being 3 different sizes in this changelog Rebel Boat NPC order adjusted Map Neo Salvage Floating objects at Bottleneck Warzone Rebel Rebel Boat boat racks now allow boat loading Platinum trader marker DP 13 NPC Athira DMV Removed:
    Pyrgos Checkpoint marker Chief Xi'an and textures  
    Hotfix #1
    Send to jail button should no longer be raped by the cooldown All houses are no longer inaccessible during conquest, only conquest houses are restricted Cannot buy houses during conquest setup time that are in the zone Some other things that happened during conquest time in zone now happen during conquest setup Removed bugged cartel contested marker until next update Gang wars winner uniform Hotfix #3
    Fix bug that caused server to crash Sting for T2 vigi actually tases now  
    As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
  8. Zahzi
    Hitman titles (claimed) 1 - Assassin 5 - Hired Gun 25 - Gangster 50 - Contracted Killer 100 - John Wick Hitman titles (placed on you) 5 - Hunted 10 - Hated 25 - Walking Target Automatic bank repair 15m after bomb blows Restart in 120m button to admin menu custom action key19 for bloodbags Blackwater Southwest jumpspot Tier 5 vigilante 200 arrests required 75% bounty payout (same as tier 4) Mk20c Sand Variant (85k) Allows the purchase of doorless prowler light w/ vigilante skin (165k) (will be in the next update) Adds the option to spawn at the Athira Vigi Outpost Benched Hellcat for civs, cops RnR director (300k) Add flares to armed plane Add incoming missile notification for armed plane Some Halloween textures  
    Director title changed to "EL Director" Reduced bloodbag cooldown to 120s Reduce Spar16S price to 150k Reduce MX SW price to 185k Helis must land to use the service station with a 15 second progress bar; no more combat repairing 😉 Fed Telos tower jumpspot Cop weapon shop now has highest ranking weapons on top  
    Logging for opening house inventories now correctly labels physical vs virtual Blackmarket cocaine clothing shop Civ council uniform whitelists  
    Suppressors from APD shops Fed Northwest tower jumpspot R&R director starter pistol Remaining twin at BW  
    Hotfix #1
    3 New gas stations 2 of these have garages Neochori Truck Shop Southwest jumpspot to Blackwater  
    Minor Federal Reserve changes Cocaine Field size and moved Weed Processor reverted Black Market Weed reverted Weed Field moved Northwest Airfield Plane Shop moved Slam Tower jumpspot Fixed
    Medic DP Missions APD Bipod script restrictions SAPD 9mm & .45 supressors MXSW added back to Lt.+ shops Warzone, Rebel, Black Market, Plane & misc. garages Bank not able to be robbed Removed
    Twin Tower from BW  
    Hotfix #2
    Update for Arma 1.97 Fix neo truck shop spawn Cleanup objects left at old Kavala blackmarket
  9. Zahzi
    APD Roundtable
    Allow the dopamine chance on being epi'd to be applied to APD members - Passed Have a most lethals title for cop - Passed Decrease the pardon title from 500 to 250 it currently goes 50 > 100 > 500 whoever did that is obviously a genius - Passed Make vandalized APD hatchbacks seizable (NOT a guns hot vehicle for ghosthawks though)- Passed Add "possession of illegal equipment charge" or change pos. of illegal weapon to cover CSAT/other illegal equipment - Passed Remove or drastically reduce Medic Armor - Passed since their uniform was changed to CSAT pcovs Make people spangle when they get tased 🔫👮🏿‍♂️- Postponed for next meeting Add more jumpspots / other openings to the Blackwater especially near southwest tower - Postponed for next meeting Lessen some of the warzone restrictions that were put in a little while ago - Denied  
    R&R Roundtable
    When civs request denial thru their death screen make it another color. - Passed Add regular hellcat for coordinators since it will use the same skin as the director and should not take any extra mission file space. - Passed Add bandannas to supervisor+ shop. - Passed Add full screen Thermals for coordinators and replace current ones. - Denied, no terminator   
    Civ Roundtable
    Actually have a gang wars (A date would be super cool, bearing in mind it's going to be 2-4 weeks from the when the date is announced.) - Passed (Working on it) Increase the arms dealer tax to 25% when server pop is over 50 (Encourage more fights at Arms) - Denied, would be too much passive income, 50 is very low pop Give 1 warpoint for every 5 minutes you sit on arms dealer cap (Cap has to be 100%) - Denied Scats
    Processors look like ass, locations are mostly fine, gang sheds are fine but let's add a little flavor. Goal should be Moonshine brewery levels of quality. (Please dont move stuff around for the sake of it) - Passed @zoomzooooooom Runs
    Plane runs now cost 60k to start (instead of 75k) (Encourage people to do plane runs, instead of buffing payout, we want to reduce the start up fee minimally, we want to keep plane runs for the new players that aren't very good at PVP but not allowing them to farm money.) - Passed Make RPK 160k, Drum mags should be  15k. At the moment it is 135k which is really cheap for an LMG, but the drum mags are only wp ATM (Pretty useless as it stands, APD aren't affected by this because they dont have drum mags. The shorter barrel rpk is only a little bit cheaper and is basically the same gun. ) - Passed Add promet sg mags(bucketshot 2 wp, slug is 4), 45acp suppressor (5wp). Remove p90 from wp and replace it with long barrel p90 (7wp) , also add 5.7 suppressor (30 wp) (Just cool stuff civs should have, prices have been based off the current wp shop prices.) - Postponed for next for meeting Vigis
    "Rebel Camper" title added to 250 arrests (No bonus) - Passed Vigis can group up to 3, still using the same buddy money payout system (Boing wanted larger groups, we want to try expanding groups slowly) - Passed Decreasing time to pick contraband, 40 seconds pick time (Reducing from 1 minute to 40 seconds, we come to play not play basketball in jail) - Denied (going to jail should be a punishment) Feds
    Computer prop is added to gate 2 telos barracks dome. Civs can buy a scrambler for 200k and it blocks all cops "O" open gate hotkey. Cops can repair it and there is a 10 minutes cooldown on it being hacked again. 30 seconds defusal time. (Just a side thing at a fed, encourages people to play full fed which requires more civs and also spreads them from dome. This is meant to be a side thing and not a main focus for the civs. ) - Postponed for next meeting  
    You can find the public roster for the @Civilian Council here
    If you're interested in applying for the Civilian Council, you can find information here: 
  10. Zahzi
    R&R Roundtable
    Reduce payout to 15k per revive, make civilians pay the full amount  
    APD Roundtable (approved stuff only)
    Reduce Spar16S price to 150k from 250k Reduce MX SW price to 185k from 215k Add benched hellcat for 325k (civ & sgt+). Reduce the default hellcat price to 275k. Buff Taru & Huron armor to engine and fuel slightly Add 60 flares to armed plane and either radar or notification of incoming rocket (both civ and cop) Make group map markers indicate the direction the player is facing Add custom action key to bloodbags, reduce cooldown to 120 seconds Remove the remaining twin from BW (and possible some other small map changes to balance the unbreakable walls) Bank auto repair after 15 minutes  
    Civ Roundtable
    Give a bonus warpoint when killing an enemy gang member is killed on warzone Add a tier 5 vigilante 200 arrests required 75% bounty payout (same as tier 4) Mk20c Sand Variant (Same stats as spar16) Allows the purchase of doorless prowler light w/ vigilante skin Adds the option to spawn at the Athira Vigi Outpost When someone has their kidney removed, show the name of the player who removed it Add to server rules, exception 8.7.1 “Members of the APD may be restrained, but not robbed, when they surrender themselves at a federal event”' Conquest event stats (once implemented) On Hold
    Warpoint tweaks - details to come Denied
    Allow RPGs to be purchased at weapon shop in rebels Safe box for houses that would hold a small number of items and can't be searched by the APD PDW quadbikes - @Ryan with your hatemail Warpoints for lethal kills at a federal event  
    You can find the public roster for the @Civilian Council here
    If you're interested in applying for the Civilian Council, you can find information here: 
  11. Zahzi
    Civ Council (@Civilian Council)
    Allow rank 3's to pay gangshed rent, gangs that get their leaders banned are pretty screwed and will end up losing their gangshed. It's a pretty harmless use of gang funds and really only helps the entire gang. - Passed Increase chop value/decrease claim cost when you hold the Arms Cartel; an extra bonus for controlling arms and winning the fight at the end. - Passed Scats
    Change Pyrgos rebel; the current rebel is very boring, stupid to hold, and encourages endless roaching. The location isn't terrible, but a new design would be nice (or switch back to OG Pyrgos rebel). - Passed Allow civilians to load lethals with corporal+ weapons (not vigilante, etc) just like they can. Lethals obviously wouldn't remove bounties or anything like that on civilian. - Denied, robbing an APD tazer should keep it as that. Allowing civs to have this will make civs an elevated corporal without APD rules. Runs
    Remove insurance from both Blackfish variants; the vehicle is very overpowered and shouldn't be treated uniquely- it's currently the only illegal vehicle that can be insured. - Passed Increase Promet MR to 90k and Promet to 80k, the gun is wild at its current price. Basically, a no-brainer to buy if you don't absolutely need a 7.62. - Passed Vigis
    APD should be able to see what tier Vigilante you are, some vigilantes like to mask what tier they are by using APD stings when they're actually only Tier 1 for example. This is pretty dirty and gives the option for the APD to deal with this. - Passed Feds
    Tweak blackwater loot table; seeing a bunch of random-ass clothing and a few Mk1s is really depressing. It's already very hard to complete a BW right now and a lot of the time the rewards are frankly dogshit. Let's tweak them a little. W e're not asking for 5 pairs of ENVGs each time, just something a little more fitting of the effort that civilians put in. - Postponed for more details next meeting Remove the garage spam timer, if not possible reduce the timer to 2 seconds. The wait time is just excessive. - Denied, not currently possible due to performance constraints  
    You can find the public roster for the Civilian Council here
    If you're interested in applying for the Civilian Council, you can find information here: 
  12. Zahzi
    Civ Roundtable
    Make vehicle ammo refill ifrit and strider smoke - APPROVED Scats
    Title for 15k kills, and titan titles for successful hits (10, 100, 250, 500) - APPROVED Improve camera for viewing clothing. In rebels, the camera often bugs and doesn't allow you to see the clothing you choose - APPROVED Clarify combat storing for APD. Currently, the APD handbook seems to indicate that you can impound your vehicle once the situation is called clear, which isn't always 5 minutes (as stated by server rules). No player should be "storing" a vehicle after only waiting two minutes - DENIED, record and report instead of adding more specific rules.  Runs
    Remove 10-minute cooldown before being able to break out of jail (not bail). It doesn't make sense that you can't walk out the front door just because you were just sent or just logged in - ON HOLD for dev approval Unlock salt flats garages during active Blackwaters - APPROVED Change message for titans to "<target> was titaned by <player>" instead of "<player> fired a titan at <target>" to be consistent with other kill/death messages (the target is always on the left side) - APPROVED Vigis
    Increase max lottery tickets to 10 instead of 5, if people want to gamble more money, let them. The server eats a percentage anyway - APPROVED Let players list items and vehicles in blackmarket - DENIED, requires too much dev work for now and there are potential performance hits Feds
    Remove promet from PO - APPROVED Revert the Ghosthawk any means rule: "If an APD Ghosthawk is stolen, the APD may use Any Means Necessary to recover it" back to "If a Ghosthawk is stolen, and its operators utilize the guns on the APD or the civilian population, the APD is authorized to use any means necessary to destroy the stolen Ghosthawk (excluding breaking Server Rules)." This rule made a hard to steal vehicle near impossible - DENIED, stealing a cop ghosthawk should be very very difficult  
    APD Roundtable
    Downed players shouldn’t contribute to 3-1 count when tased - APPROVED, bug Undercover cops… - ON HOLD until ruleset and features are fleshed out  
    You can find the public roster for the @Civilian Council here
    If you're interested in applying for the Civilian Council, you can find information here: 
  13. Zahzi
    Civ Roundtable
    Allow a fed/BW to be started when a bank is active (this also helps prevents trolling) - APPROVED Titan engagement rule update to remove the clause about gang engagement - APPROVED Group tag system - option when creating a group to add an optional tag. Without any tag, groups will function as they do currently. With a group tag, names in the text list, above heads, etc will show up with tag prefixed - APPROVED Feds Council
    Server rule to require that gang tags must be at the beginning of their names (not in the middle, end, etc). Note that this doesn't force players to wear tags, just forces them to be in a consistent location. - APPROVED Add fullscreen ENVG's (Special Purpose Helmet) to BW spawn table. The same thing as fullscreen NVG's, does have some armor value, same spawn rate as normal ENVGs - APPROVED When claiming a vehicle, have the vehicle "repull" instead of storing. Currently, you can combat store a vehicle by claiming. - APPROVED Change the ghosthawk rules at fed. Ghosthawks should only be automatically gun hot on illegal vehicles after bomb blows or after the civilians make no clear attempt to leave. - APPROVED Remove vans from the APD during federal events - POSTPONED to see what happens with the hawk change, and other reasons Scats Council
    Fee for transferring illegal vehicles: 10% for illegal vehicle transfer, 400k for BW ground vehicles, 800k for BW aerial vehicles. Transfering ghosthawks, etc across the map should not be free - APPROVED Move insurance at main air to be further from the hanger, delete the hanger next to pyrgos service station, and require helis to land in order to use the service station to repair with a 15 second progress bar. This is to prevent using the service station to “combat repair.” - APPROVED Add starter pistol to gun store, with green and red flare, 5k for gun, 500 per flare mag. APPROVED Runs Council
    When turning in contraband, update bail price immediately instead of waiting a few minutes - APPROVED Increase the range of giving items to be same of keychain now that it only shows group members (15m instead of 5m) - APPROVED Cartels Council
    Add long-barrel shotgun to rebel - APPROVED, but it will no longer be a taser when robbed from a cop Allow spawning at a gangshed immediately after logging into the server (you currently have to respawn to see shed as a spawn option if you log in dead) - APPROVED Vigi Council
    Add all types of smoke grenades to vigi - APPROVED Add Hummingbirds to all air shops, not just rebels - APPROVED Bonus - Single-use revive item (defib). Costs 100k, weighs 10, takes 25% longer than an epipen. Cannot use on the same player more than once in a 30 minute period unless they respawn, get revived by a medic, or received medical attention at a hospital. Can be used on players that have died on dopamine, but they will have a dope timer after being revived.
    APD Roundtable
    Add 10-minute cooldown to bank robberies to prevent spam - APPROVED Change to the 3 to 1 rules so the hostage-takers must announce that  a "3 to 1" is taking place for cop to be required to surrender - DENIED because any cop with common sense should know when they're 3 to 1'd Add Blackfoot as an LT vehicle, remove Quilin, vans, jims, and a boat - POSTPONED because the cameras are OP af Add Y-32 Xi'an as chief item -  POSTPONED because the cameras are OP af
  14. Zahzi
    Scats Council (@Mr Majestic@Unjo@John Wayne)
    Gang shed should be easier to access/use from all sides equally, really only a areas on the outside where you can access the inventory.  Also says "too far away" when you try to pull something out when standing in certain spots - APPROVED Move Kavala square garage NPC out of that tree that always gets knocked down or remove the tree (screenshot). Dude is invisible and pretty aids for new players to figure out what's going on - APPROVED Move city spawns to be closer to any garage in the city - running without redgull is aids - DENIED, Ares wants scats to have leg day Runs Council (@Bloodmoon@Zahzi@Mudiwa@Deluxe@Cutie (QT))
    Push option for planes if you have keys - APPROVED Make medical assistance fill your hunger and thirst at clinic/hospital - APPROVED Vigi Council (@CorNfLower@|REAL| Boing@bioshock12391@~FLO~Alex)
    Add non-dlc vigi uniform so vigis don't get pop-ups - APPROVED If a player is tazed while escorting, the player being escorted should be dropped - APPROVED Notification if somebody you restrain combat log- APPROVED Feds Council (@Kamikaze@Civak@rabeed@an overweight giant retard)
    Change the buyhut inside BW dome to a normal buyhut instead of medical to provide extra cover in the dome - POSTPONED until next update hits with deerstand changes Remove the poles/lights at blackwater heli spawn pad (not HQ) to make it a little bit easier to take off in a heli - APPROVED If a vehicle owner gives someone keys that person can access the repair option at service - DENIED because too complex for devs Change "If a Ghosthawk is stolen, the APD may use Any Means Necessary to recover it" to only be stolen APD hawks since otherwise, it makes it near impossible to acquire a civ hawk from BW - APPROVED Cartels Council (@swervy@Jimmy Jarvis@nomadox@thor@genesis)
    Gang wars winner title - POSTPONED until next gang wars, because the winners are banned Add dopamine to every clinic - DENIED because dopamine should be more than a small inconvenience, promotes map activity. Increase max people increasing cap speed to 6 - DENIED, cartels don't need to be easier to cap
  15. Zahzi
    Civ Roundtable
    Scats (@Mr Majestic@Unjo@John Wayne)
    Make contraband persist through restart/death, or a virtual item with weight 0 (TBD by devs). Contraband will be cleared when out of jail. This will help when server restarts. - PASSED More custom clothing - PASSED Runs (@Bloodmoon@Zahzi@Mudiwa@Deluxe)
    Decrease the weight of turtles from 10 to 8 (4 to 3) since they were nerfed when SDV storage was decreased and are currently outperformed by salvage, which is legal and afk (stats) - PASSED Buff glass price 10%, fish 50%, apples and peaches 100% (stats) - PASSED Move city vendors closer together (like in Kavala) so it’s not aids when you need to buy a backpack, toolkit, and virtuals - PASSED Custom sorting in garages, similar to how custom sorting works for houses - PASSED Cartels (@swervy@NokiaStrong@thor@Jimmy Jarvis@nomadox)
    Add NATO pilot coveralls for civs- DENIED because they are already being used by medics Cops on cartel cap should show as contesting the same way vigis do - PASSED Naked players should not lose warpoints - DENIED due to potential abuse Feds (@Kamikaze@Civak@Bojo@rabeed)
    Replace slam mine spawns in Blackwater with IED (dugin) - DENIED Show bank balance when receiving a ticket - PASSED Add titles for repairing vehicles.
    10 repairs: 5% chance of not using toolkit/title name: Mechanically Retarded
    50 repairs 10% chance of not using toolkit/title name: Scrapyard Scrounger
    100 repairs 10% chance of not using toolkit vehicles pulled spawn with 1 toolkit/title name: Duct Tape Doctor
    250 repairs 15% chance of not using toolkit vehicles pulled spawn with 1 toolkit/title name: Deadpool or Hick
    POSTPONED because nobody liked the names. Ideas are welcome. Vigi (@CorNfLower@|REAL| Boing)
    Change minimum arrest amount from 75k to 120k - DENIED, vigis don’t need any more nerfing right now  
    APD Roundtable
    Give stings to deputies again - PASSED because SAPD feels deputies are too weak. And @Pledge witnessed two deputies fail to tase somebody in a bush. Make bipods legal so APD doesn’t get confused - PASSED  
    R&R Roundtable
    Revert the change from the last meeting that was going to prevent medics from receiving wire transfers - PASSED
  16. Zahzi
    @DeadPool wasn't there, so hopefully, there's less pumpkin speak in this blog than normal.  
    APD Roundtable
    Remove warpoints from killing cops at federal events: warpoints were added as an incentive when fed life was dead, and the APD don’t think there needs to be more incentive to do a fed given the recent stats and loadouts shouldn’t be paid for when civs lose. PASSED Remove all added towers from BW- having 4 towers mutually covering each other at BW makes it very hard for the APD. REJECTED to see what the change passed during the previous meeting does to the balance first (removing one of the twins). Don’t require a defuse kit to defuse the bomb since deputies lose them due to bugs/being new. PASSED Make gate 4 at fed a real gate again. APD don’t like only being able to push 1,2,3 and want another way to get into fed with vehicles. REJECTED because there are already 3 gates for vehicles and 1 gate for infantry.  
    R&R Roundtable
    @Mercury's shit almost broke the bowl. Update small handbook things, see handbook update soon  
    Civ Roundtable
    Scats (@Mr Majestic, @Tyrone, @Unjo, @John Wayne)
    Make active gas station robberies redzone/kos so players are engaged while robbing. REJECTED because it could be easily exploited to start a robbery and clack someone, but a hint will be added for new players. Require cops to have a weapon to prevent a 3-1 restrain (to prevent naked cops being dicks). PASSED Show ban status on stats page or profile (private). POSTPONED for more details with devs.
      Runs (@Bloodmoon, @Zahzi, @Mudiwa)
    Add P90 to weapon shop for 95k and reduce price in warpoint shop to 8pts. REJECTED because @Ares doesn’t like it. Decrease cop money from sending people to jail. Decrease by 20% for deputies, 15% for POs, 5% for corps. POSTPONED because there are lots of feds happening right now and lower ranks already get shafted. Display last name and steam id for perm keys remove menu because it currently aids to keep track of who has keys. PASSED Cartels (@swervy, @NokiaStrong, @Toasty, @Jimmy Jarvis, @nomadox)
    Require 5.56 or higher to cap cartel so people don’t afk cap with rooks. PASSED Allow movement while loading loadout to stop the action cancelled aids. PASSED War point transfer limit so you can’t buy your way into top 50. REJECTED, but the leaderboard will show top war kills instead of warpoints. Vigis (@Tyrone, @CorNfLower, @|REAL| Boing)
    Another car spawn at Kavala vigi PASSED Feds (@Kamikaze, @Civak, @Bojo, @rabeed)
    Allow vehicles to be pulled from salt flats as soon as bomb blows. PASSED Y menu button or keybind to unclothing bug yourself instead of having to softlog or go to the clothing shop. PASSED Press “t” to access the vault in fed instead of requiring scroll wheel so explosives aren’t randomly planted. PASSED
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